This is a fantastic article on all of the things/events affecting the US Economy and front and center the collapsing of the US Dollar’s global influence. Includes countries shifting to other currencies namely to gold and silver backed currencies like what the BRICS countries have formulated, and brings into clear perspective the DemoLibs spending sprees from Obama forward, and the damage done by the Covid Scare. I think our US economic Near Death Experience is soon to hit. This of course will converge with everything else the US is facing Nationally and Internationally, making it appear the US as a country is certainly on the verge of utter destruction.
But keep in mind Anons it’s an “experience”. It’ll feel and seem to be so bad, but less so to us that are Awake and know it’s more controlled than not, and we will pull out at thee last second before that utter destruction.
So please dig in Anons. And world keep those seatbelts buckled and tray-tables up. It’s going to be an arduous landing that’ll not be fun at any point. But in the end, We Will Win. WWG1WGA.
The avalanche will be triggered when the BRICS nations stop selling oil in petrodollars and dump trillions of dollars on the Forex market. Soon after, your bills will become unaffordable and remonetization will become the hot topic. The CBDC will be pushed on us, and people on our side will push back with gold and crypto. During that period we'll be terrified over losing our homes or being evicted. Mass layoffs may occur and we won't know how to buy food. It has the potential to become a true scare event.
The thing that concerns me the most is normies. Our side HAS to have something that is more convenient then the CBDC. Time and time again normies have chosen convenience over freedom and supporting local.
“I know Amazon is evil but I shop there anyways” I have heard something like that thousands of times.
My worry is that if normies are desperate they will choose the easiest path out which will be the CBDC unless we have an alternative which is just was easy to use.
So true. Convenience through technology is the deception used for pushing authoritarian control over citizens. They have no idea it's happening. It's like a magic trick.
This is why true political science and economics are not taught in schools. The citizens are not supposed to understand what state corporatism is, or how it's the economic policy of fascism. Stalin's propaganda was adopted by our educators and taught our citizens that communism and fascism were opposites, when in reality they are close cousins. This is why people believe China is still communist when it's actually fascist now.
Yup. It’s why it irritates me that people prop up bitcoin. Bitcoin is too complicated in it’s current state. Our counter has to be as easy as current fiat to use where you get a paycheck deposited into a checking account and you can use cash or a debit card to purchase things:
Old people and lazy people aren’t gonna want to buy bitcoin off an exchange and transfer it to a wallet. That is too much work and too complicated for most people. Also how are you going to purchase bitcoin when the dollar is worthless?
Seems like a lot of people in el Salvador have embraced bitcoin.