This is a fantastic article on all of the things/events affecting the US Economy and front and center the collapsing of the US Dollar’s global influence. Includes countries shifting to other currencies namely to gold and silver backed currencies like what the BRICS countries have formulated, and brings into clear perspective the DemoLibs spending sprees from Obama forward, and the damage done by the Covid Scare. I think our US economic Near Death Experience is soon to hit. This of course will converge with everything else the US is facing Nationally and Internationally, making it appear the US as a country is certainly on the verge of utter destruction.
But keep in mind Anons it’s an “experience”. It’ll feel and seem to be so bad, but less so to us that are Awake and know it’s more controlled than not, and we will pull out at thee last second before that utter destruction.
So please dig in Anons. And world keep those seatbelts buckled and tray-tables up. It’s going to be an arduous landing that’ll not be fun at any point. But in the end, We Will Win. WWG1WGA.
Since Biden took over, weaponized the dollar , insulted the Saudis and Chinese and now we have BRICS with more joining every week, (do you know what BRICS is?). Not to mention all the printing of money and the Ukrainian bail out. The housing bubble, I could go on ,. Have you even bothered to look at the stock market the last 3 months?
That article is Trump complaining that China devaluing its currency isn't fair to the US.
TLDR: devaluing your currency provides your country competitive benefits with little downside.
Can you even describe a worst case scenario if, tomorrow, the dollar loses half its value against other currencies?
No more cheap China trash in stores? Boo hoo.
I'm not defending the monetary system. It all needs to be burned down and those who perpetuated it need to be hung from the highest tree.
In the meantime, the dollar isn't going to collapse. But if it does collapse, it will be a good thing.
I agree with your article about devaluation of their currency , just add it all together with what I said and it is what it is ., It's never been this bad. And I agree it would be a good thing.