Must watch. 👀
Ann Vandersteel.
Breaking: Federal Public Officials found with no Oath of Office on file. (Big names have no oath to the Constitution on file.)
Writ of Quo Warrento filed with U.S. attorney in Washington, DC. They have to provide an affidavit to the DC court and attorney in 10 days or get replaced or immediately terminated…per 5 U.S. code 3332. (If I read it right.)
Vice President
Sec. of Defense
Sec. of Treasury
Sec. of Health and Human Services
Sec. of Energy
Sec. of Education
Sec. of Commerce
Sec. of State
Sec. of Labor and Transportation
Department of Homeland Security
Attorney General
Food and Drug Commissioner
CDC Director
And so on…
WH’s got ‘em coming and going…again. If they refuse to pledge an oath to the Constitution, they get replaced (and maybe jailed). If they do pledge an oath to the Constitution, they can be held accountable for their (past?) and future actions. And piss off their handlers.
I said this in response to another comment: I think this concept is making a mountain out of a molehill. They are accountable for everything they did. The only reason accountability hasn't happened is that they also control the apparatus in charge of holding them accountable. The US Attorney's office is the only entity that can charge people with treason. No state can. And Garland is in charge of the US Attorney's office. Taking the oath of office, or failing to take the oath of office doesn't have an impact on violating the most severe statutes in the US code.
In the Civil War, we did not prosecute treason for reasons of wanting to restore the union. These were Americans, after all, and the war was fought to keep them Americans. Though there was great debate over the merits of doing so. With the confederate civilians, especially, they did not take any oath. If they provided aid and comfort to the enemy, they committed treason. Oath or no oath. And the same thing here. One does not need to expressly acknowledge loyalty/duty/allegiance to the United States to be held accountable for their acts against the United States.
The military can try soldiers, ex soldiers, and foreigners apprehended in foreign lands for violating laws of the United States. They can prosecute crimes that occurred on domestic military bases. But otherwise, the particular crime that you commit does not trigger a process that supersedes the constitution - which affords the 5th amendment right to be indicted by a grand jury in the district in which the crime occurred. The right to due process. And to be tried by a jury of citizens in the state and district in which the crime occurred under the 6th amendment.
Until the DOJ is cleaned out, there will not be accountability. Taking or not taking an oath has zero impact on this. But it does render the official acts of those officers of the United States a nullity if they do not lawfully hold the office. So for this issue, the correct lawsuit to bring is a challenge to the validity of any act of a person acting under color of law that does not lawfully have the ability to exercise power.
Lets think about this hypothetical. Assume that none of these people were really part of the administration. They were all putting on a show. And the media was simply portraying the show as "real", and people (including law enforcement, judges etc) simply went along with the show because it looked convincing.
Who is culpable here? The actors? The media pretending its real? Or the people who fell for it?
Not easy questions.
I am not 100% sure I grasp what you’re asking so correct me if I am not answering the question.
Someone is doing all this crap. If it isn’t them because they are just acting, then I don’t know how you could consider them guilty of anything except acting. If they took an oath, how does that suddenly transform them from actors to perpetrators? The issue still remains who is actually doing the acts in question that are unlawful. That is the person guilty of the crime. One likely would need to know who hired them and what they were instructed to do and its underlying purpose before you could get any idea what level of culpability, if any, is there.
The media, in narrow circumstances, could be credibly charged with treason for pushing known bogus stories to give aid and comfort to the enemy. Fake news narratives aren’t necessarily aid and comfort. There needs to be intent, and the specifics of what they did need to fairly unambiguously support a finding of providing that aid and comfort. There is no bright line rule; it would be entirely fact dependent.
Getting duped isn’t a crime. Getting duped into a crime is not an excuse from accountability for the crime; but it might be a mitigating circumstance as to the sanction for being convicted of the crime.
This is the crux of what I am saying. If they took the oath of office, their actions has actual bearing beyond those of a mere actor. At the very least, the person who took the oath of office can be charged for breaking their oath.
The real question is actually whether there could be a reason for bringing this up (assuming this is real for a sec - we dont know if it is) when seen in light of Devolution/COG operation?
That answers the rest of your unasked question - what was the goal of the last few years with all these actors herding the humanity towards the abyss?
The answer was not just to expose one person or one group of people - the masterminds - who are evil and trying to destroy us. The problem humanity has been facing is far beyond any group of evil people. Its a systemic problem. We have created for ourself a system that can suck people into it and make people become part of the evil agenda without even realising it.
If exposing that was the real goal of this exercise, then it all makes sense. Its not so much about retribution as it is about Awakening.