I have a lefty mate that hates Elon musk for all the wrong reasons. I argued that although I don't trust any one individual I am happy with som the progress made so far.Ie freedom of speech and that he shut down a lot of CP in a matter of weeks instead of 10 years. I have said he the fact he done that gives him some grace in my eyes he send back a article to say it still just as bad. Need help going deep to know where this currently at. https://futurism.com/twitter-failing-child-abuse-content
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My husband sent me an article that said the CP situation under Musk was just as bad as before. I read it and was horrified at the "weasel word" usage to distort the overall picture. I don't have the article anymore, but I remember that they said things like "porn was going up faster than it was being taken down" implying that Musk wasn't doing enough, but omitting that Twitter had NEVER taken down any CP on its site prior to Musk (except for the people who sued him -- it took lawsuits to get Twitter to take down the CP). There were a lot of those kinds of weasel arguments and the effect was a picture that had no resemblance to reality. Read the article carefully your friend provided carefully. Look for vague words that can be interpreted different ways, and look for words that can have two different meanings based on context. The devil works via deception, and word-smithing games are oe of his strongest tactics of deception.
Edit: I think the article said the porn situation was worse than before because they'd gotten rid of the trust and safety department (or whatever it was called). Lots of weaseling about the credibility of that department. If I recall, the trust and safety department was really the censorship department, and they weren't censoring CP.
Edit 2: pointing out the weasel words intended to deceive to your friend from the articles that he sends you will probably do more red-pilling than giving him articles that he views as biased ever could.