Earthquakes can be felt because that’s the only time the earth actually moves relative to you. Flat earthers complain all the time about how fast the earth spins and how fast it travels around the sun, claiming that we should be able to feel it. They fail to grasp the concept of relative motion, usually because they dismiss the concept of relativity outright.
As for why flat earth is still a theory, that’s because a lot of people think emotionally rather than logically. Outraged that the govt has lied about some things, they swing to the opposite extreme to distrust everything ever said by the govt. Then, when people point out that they are wrong, they develop a persecution complex, combined with a superiority complex that they know secret knowledge that everyone else is too stupid or brainwashed to comprehend. That’s why flat earth is still popular.
I love the smug know-it -all attitude. Dude, sit on it. You don’t know Jack. Maybe do a dive on the subject then type your gay wisdom. Unlearn the relearn.
I’ve debated flat earthers for years. I’ve watched every video and read every article that they’ve thrown at me, and it’s all chock full of ignorance and illiteracy. Their models do not match reality at all, and they can’t even agree on what their model actually is.
False. They agree on the model. The fact that you don't know that is proof you are lying. Further proof is, if you did in fact read every article and watch every video (bit of a stretch right there) then you would 100% not hold the stance you have. Keep digging there "SciFi" (lol) - you just might make it to China.
No, they don’t agree, because every single time I or someone else points out something wrong with something that a flat earther has said, another flerfer comes along saying “that’s not what flat earthers believe!” And proposes a variation of the flat earth model.
“If you [insert requirement here] you would agree with me” is a tacit admission that you don’t have an argument and a gratuitous display of narcissism. In other words, typical flerfer bloviating.
Earthquakes can be felt because that’s the only time the earth actually moves relative to you. Flat earthers complain all the time about how fast the earth spins and how fast it travels around the sun, claiming that we should be able to feel it. They fail to grasp the concept of relative motion, usually because they dismiss the concept of relativity outright.
As for why flat earth is still a theory, that’s because a lot of people think emotionally rather than logically. Outraged that the govt has lied about some things, they swing to the opposite extreme to distrust everything ever said by the govt. Then, when people point out that they are wrong, they develop a persecution complex, combined with a superiority complex that they know secret knowledge that everyone else is too stupid or brainwashed to comprehend. That’s why flat earth is still popular.
I love the smug know-it -all attitude. Dude, sit on it. You don’t know Jack. Maybe do a dive on the subject then type your gay wisdom. Unlearn the relearn.
I’ve debated flat earthers for years. I’ve watched every video and read every article that they’ve thrown at me, and it’s all chock full of ignorance and illiteracy. Their models do not match reality at all, and they can’t even agree on what their model actually is.
False. They agree on the model. The fact that you don't know that is proof you are lying. Further proof is, if you did in fact read every article and watch every video (bit of a stretch right there) then you would 100% not hold the stance you have. Keep digging there "SciFi" (lol) - you just might make it to China.
No, they don’t agree, because every single time I or someone else points out something wrong with something that a flat earther has said, another flerfer comes along saying “that’s not what flat earthers believe!” And proposes a variation of the flat earth model.
“If you [insert requirement here] you would agree with me” is a tacit admission that you don’t have an argument and a gratuitous display of narcissism. In other words, typical flerfer bloviating.