Secondary confirmation of the "ghost army" style (VO-67) ghost patch, confirmed to be present & applied behind the fore deck gun of the USS Milius Arleigh Burke-class ship that transited the Taiwan Strait yesterday. It's there, all right. Interesting that the military would provide THIS...

Thanks. I think I’ll read Flynn’s book.
I was in the Navy. Never in my life did I think I would see an army unit logo painted on a ship. That would be like the Yankees painting a Red Sox logo in their dugout. It’s impossible.
Plus, you can’t just paint shit where you want without approval. Especially on the outside. This is a US warship, representing the US everywhere it goes. Every port this ship docks, foreign citizens can see it. Our enemy can see it. This logo was approved at the highest levels. It’s not an accident. This is intentional. And the photo is intentional.
They took the photo from this angle on purpose. All of this is no accident. This is a direct message. There is some sort of operation underway utilizing at least both army and navy assets, that also involved psy-ops and 5th generation warfare.
They may as well start buying billboards this is such an obvious message.
I was saying the same thing in the first thread about this C5 posted. No way the commander lets that shit get painted on his boat unless its over his head. Its fresh paint, and I bet they got the photo and cleaned that shit off before it had time to dry.
The choice of using a patch design associated with Patton's "Ghost Army" says "deceiving the enemy about the locations of friendly forces".
Also, the ghost patch isn't 4th PsyOps Group, their patch is 3 lightning bolts on a tri-color field, I don't remember the colors. They're not nearly as sophisticated as any of this. They were the eggheads that came up the brilliant idea to print Quran verses on soccer balls and give them to Afghani kids so they could kick their holy scriptures around in the dirt. If the goal was to make sure we had a hot fighting season it worked. They're either twisted smart or they're just demented retards, and you can never tell.