Wow, I came here to say just that. So one of NATO's aircraft gets shot down, or shot AT, or NATO claims it was shot at... giving the green light to the mockingbird media to meltdown (again) over Russian "aggression." Anyone here remember the Gulf of Tonkin non-incident?
I remember that day vividly, I was on board a light crusier heading back to the west coast when during the night, I felt the ship go to flank speed and a sharp turn to port-I heard the plates and glasses hitting the floor. the ship then slowed down and returned to the original course.
A few months later, when I was in the radio room, we got a RM3 from one of the destroyers who had the most haunted look on his face-I was to put 2&2 together years later when I heard the Tonkin incident was contrived- I suspect most of the radiomen were scattered amongst the fleet with a NDA over their heads..
Wow, I came here to say just that. So one of NATO's aircraft gets shot down, or shot AT, or NATO claims it was shot at... giving the green light to the mockingbird media to meltdown (again) over Russian "aggression." Anyone here remember the Gulf of Tonkin non-incident?
Yes, I do. For those who don't, it was how LBJ lied us into the Vietnam "war."
I remember that day vividly, I was on board a light crusier heading back to the west coast when during the night, I felt the ship go to flank speed and a sharp turn to port-I heard the plates and glasses hitting the floor. the ship then slowed down and returned to the original course.
A few months later, when I was in the radio room, we got a RM3 from one of the destroyers who had the most haunted look on his face-I was to put 2&2 together years later when I heard the Tonkin incident was contrived- I suspect most of the radiomen were scattered amongst the fleet with a NDA over their heads..
From a Jarhead to a Sqyid, thank you for your service.
Semper Fi, Devil Dog!
Thank you.