Mods (& community), I don’t think you know the train you have started. This community has become a beautiful place, where people are free to espouse ideas, and even when emotions flare over different topics, the discussion keeps going on.
You may ask why I even mention this.
This website has become more than a Q research site, it has become a beacon of hope for those wallowing in the sorrows around us, reaching out for a breath of hope. People need hope, it is why God is being sought out in these days, when things are difficult. This research board has shifted to a supporting community for that hope. Trying to understand the world around us, our place in it, and what we can do to effect change. The Bible calls us sheep, and sheep we are. We need a place where we can have a renewed trust in what people are telling us. We have been deceived so much by so many. I’m not advocating for new news programs that align with right wing beliefs, but no one person can spend infinite amounts of time on every subject, so we need a place we can trust. This place has become that place. It’s like home, for many of us here, on the internet.
Part of the awakening process is learning one has a choice. The definition of the choice is 3 parts and yet most only see the 2 parts.
Nonetheless it is a choice for an individual.
Awakening also if one chooses good will lead to having faith in self and humanity again. Miracles do happen.
I often think of those who are in key positions and stay anonymous for fear of evil. To me those are the ones who will raise the staff to part the sea. Just as Moses doubted I am sure many of them doubt to. Yet we are seeing the evil side raising their staff to part the sea of God —
Yes there was those asleep that were awoken to the fact they prosper in evil.
Some of you call it balance but I don’t think good and evil can be balanced. One has to defeat the other and the fact is with God we make evil go where it belongs—under our feet.