A few years ago something dawned on me and I've since made it my mantra in life: Improving anything improves everything.
I found that during the scamdemic, when I found myself at home wondering what I should do with myself, while it was of course an option to just flip on the TV or surf the web all day long, if I would simply get up and DO something, my energy would become more positive.
Just choosing to get up, clean the house, work out, take a shower, etc. would shift my energy from negative to positive. I would then find I treated my wife and kids better, my friends better, I would think more clearly while working at my job from home, and all these things would just compound and make my small corner of the world a better place.
But I also found it made other people's worlds better places. By putting myself in such a state, I became more able and willing to help others escape their dark places, which I can only assume had ripples that continued outward into places I may never fully realize.
Everything affects everything.
Now, I've long contended that the end of the Deep State has been seen via project looking glass, and I believe that "Q" is, or is a branch of military intelligence that has access to a Quantum AI that posted what it posted, when it posted, and where it posted either to:
A. Guarantee the demise of Babylon
B. Hasten the demise that was already guaranteed
Ever since Q started posting it was obvious something big was starting to happen in our world. The question though then became "What can I do to help?"
I've had thoughts of resorting to violence. I'll admit it. I've asked myself "Why don't I just take that gun of mine and start hunting these satanists down?"
But then of course I thought "Well...I don't know who they are. Sure, if I really KNEW who was who, what they had done, and where to find them, I might be able to justify that, but even on the slimmest of chances that I was wrong and I hurt an innocent person in my righteous indignation, would I be ok with that?"
And of course the answer has always come back a resounding "No."
But I WANT to help. I don't want to just sit back while a battle is being fought and do nothing. Luckily Q told us exactly how we could help. "Pray" and "Don't retreat from the digital battlefield."
It also seems logical to me that I read and ponder the scriptures, most specifically the teachings of Jesus from the Sermon on the Mount, to gain deeper insight into how I can implement those teachings into my life, because, like I said, improving anything improves everything.
I realized it didn't do me much good to give way to anger (although sometimes I still stumble in that area).
And I realized that if I wanted to awaken others to reality, I would have to be wise about how I went about it.
Humor has proven a good way.
Calm logic has proven a good way.
Avoiding absolute terms and name calling in my discussions a la Benjamin Franklin has proven effective.
Making sure people I disagree with know I still love them has certainly helped.
Here's how I see it: if nothing can stop what is coming, even if there isn't anything I can do to hasten its arrival, why wouldn't I want to live like this?
But just like I think the Deep State trying to wiggle its way out of quicksand can hasten its arrival, I do think what I do can hasten its arrival.
I do think prayer helps.
I do think not retreating from the digital battlefield is important.
I do think taking care to communicate truth in a loving and gentle way makes a difference.
And it just so happens at that those things raise my vibrations and make me happier as well.
Some things I think are important to keep in mind:
-God has not given us the spirit of fear
-Anger is a result of fear so God has not given us the spirit of anger either
-Our words are both reflections of our state of mind and thus, our vibrational state, and creators of it
-They also affect the emotional and vibrational state of others
-Thus, we want to carefully choose words that both reflect a serene and calm and loving state of mind and inspire it in both ourselves and others. This can only help.
Out of the same mouth proceeds both blessings and cursings. Brethren, this ought not to be. - James 3:10
If you want to know if you are helping or hurting the cause, ask yourself how you feel and how you make others feel. Tesla believed that everything was sound and vibration.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word WAS God. -John 1:1
Is not a word a sound? Is not a sound a vibration? And on what frequency would the sound of God vibrate? Is that the vibration you feel when you post here? Is that the vibration you carry with you out into the world?
If not, mindful scripture study, secluded prayer and meditation, self reflection, frequent fasting, exercise, work, organizing, etc. these things can help us raise our vibrations.
And improving anything improves everything.
Seek to raise your vibration so that the world in some grand way that we may not be able to detect just yet begins to resonate with that vibration.
The devil is not conquered with vitriol. He is the father of vitriol.
He is not conquered with violence. He is the author of it.
The devil in this world is conquered by love and patience and kindness.
By words, vibrations, feelings that inspire ourselves and others.
Perhaps nothing can stop what is coming, and so you see no reason not to rail and curse and spew your anger and frustration out into the world, but what if you can hasten what is coming? Is that not reason enough to try a little harder? To be a little better? To be a light to others? A song on a hilltop that resonates through the valley below? To reflect on how the words you choose make you feel? Make others feel?
If faith comes by hearing the Word of God, then should you not help others hear it by presenting it to them in a way that actually works? If you sit at your computer and rail at the evil of the world, are you not just one more angry voice, vibrating at the very frequency you are trying to vanquish?
We are children of God. We should resonate as such. And the sounds that come from us should resonate as such. And perhaps our efforts just might make "2 more weeks" come a little sooner.
Sounds like you are on the right path. I'm stuck at hating everyone for being such ignorant pussies.
Everyone has their own timeline to wake up, accept that, God would lead them to you when time come. I know it is hard as I wasted 3 yrs without result only bring resentment and hinder and slow down their wakening process.