I've told my family's story before, but here it is again. My older sister, age 70, was very red-pilled. No way was she getting the shot. Conversely, her husband was vaxxed and boosted.... went to a group event and I believe he brought home covid. She got it. Had co-morbidities. Got very sick and weak. Refused to go to the hospital. He finally called an ambulance because she was so weak. Got to the hospital, vitals were good. They gave her some shot.... we still don't know what because we have not told her vaxxed husband and adult son what we know about all of this.... and she was dead within an hour or two. Heart.
I understand some people need financial compensation. That wasn't the case with her so causing her husband and son more pain about what they could have done or avoided would be cruel. We've said nothing. In her case, the loss was her... her presence in our lives. Most of us siblings believe they killed her with that shot. It happened so fast she was gone before any of us "in the know" knew she had even gone in.
She was a great sister and I wish I had spent more time with her. Our family is so big that we rarely have gotten together as we've all gotten older, but God put it on my heart to have a birthday party for her the fall before this happened to her. I'll forever be grateful we got to celebrate her while she was still alive with a simple birthday brunch complete with her favorite cake and pretty napkins. The funeral home was so full of all the people she had cooked or sewn for over the years people were lining the walls. I've never seen anything like it. She was a class act and old school phenomenon of a woman. Her husband is lost without her. We don't know who to call when we have a question. She was always the one we called. I never realized how much she did for all of us until she was gone.
When I hear of all of these deaths, I think of the giant hole each person leaves when they die. It's more significant than any statistic or emotional recount you can share. It's a thousand little things.
My friend in has lost seven people in the neighborhood since the vax, they all died within six months, all heart attacks and strokes. My vaxed and boosted sister in-law was just informed the other day all her heart valves are destroyed.
My aunt was in a nursing home, her roommate was sick with covid so they grabbed her too. Typical 3 day scenario of phone calls from hospital staff, no symptoms, some symptoms, agitated, gone.
A check came in the mail to the family ( I think $9K) from a 'covid relief fund' to cover burial expenses.
I've told my family's story before, but here it is again. My older sister, age 70, was very red-pilled. No way was she getting the shot. Conversely, her husband was vaxxed and boosted.... went to a group event and I believe he brought home covid. She got it. Had co-morbidities. Got very sick and weak. Refused to go to the hospital. He finally called an ambulance because she was so weak. Got to the hospital, vitals were good. They gave her some shot.... we still don't know what because we have not told her vaxxed husband and adult son what we know about all of this.... and she was dead within an hour or two. Heart.
I understand some people need financial compensation. That wasn't the case with her so causing her husband and son more pain about what they could have done or avoided would be cruel. We've said nothing. In her case, the loss was her... her presence in our lives. Most of us siblings believe they killed her with that shot. It happened so fast she was gone before any of us "in the know" knew she had even gone in.
She was a great sister and I wish I had spent more time with her. Our family is so big that we rarely have gotten together as we've all gotten older, but God put it on my heart to have a birthday party for her the fall before this happened to her. I'll forever be grateful we got to celebrate her while she was still alive with a simple birthday brunch complete with her favorite cake and pretty napkins. The funeral home was so full of all the people she had cooked or sewn for over the years people were lining the walls. I've never seen anything like it. She was a class act and old school phenomenon of a woman. Her husband is lost without her. We don't know who to call when we have a question. She was always the one we called. I never realized how much she did for all of us until she was gone.
When I hear of all of these deaths, I think of the giant hole each person leaves when they die. It's more significant than any statistic or emotional recount you can share. It's a thousand little things.
My friend in has lost seven people in the neighborhood since the vax, they all died within six months, all heart attacks and strokes. My vaxed and boosted sister in-law was just informed the other day all her heart valves are destroyed.
Oh no.... I'm so sorry. Entire families will be affected for generations. It's unprecedented and tragic.
My aunt was in a nursing home, her roommate was sick with covid so they grabbed her too. Typical 3 day scenario of phone calls from hospital staff, no symptoms, some symptoms, agitated, gone.
A check came in the mail to the family ( I think $9K) from a 'covid relief fund' to cover burial expenses.
It was like, towards the old, the felt even more emboldened. So terrible.