These people are so dumb, if it takes a bad credit score to get good rates, those of us with good scores will do what's necessary to get the score down to get better rates, max a card out or two, apply for a bunch of credit, etc. Then we'll just raise our scores again may take a couple of years but that'll be the new thing to do.
I think what they are really doing is increasing interest rates on good credit people to help pay for the decrease in interest rates to bad credit people.
There still would be a big difference in interest rates between good credit and poor credit.
Hey, it's only fair that people that work hard, save their money, spend wisely should help others. Why should someone who has bad credit be forced to pay more in interest than others. Those others that because they are careful with their money can afford to pay more?
These people are so dumb, if it takes a bad credit score to get good rates, those of us with good scores will do what's necessary to get the score down to get better rates, max a card out or two, apply for a bunch of credit, etc. Then we'll just raise our scores again may take a couple of years but that'll be the new thing to do.
I think what they are really doing is increasing interest rates on good credit people to help pay for the decrease in interest rates to bad credit people. There still would be a big difference in interest rates between good credit and poor credit.
Hey, it's only fair that people that work hard, save their money, spend wisely should help others. Why should someone who has bad credit be forced to pay more in interest than others. Those others that because they are careful with their money can afford to pay more?
yep, it all makes sense now.