Anyone posting links to any sites that sell or link to sales of fenbendazole risk being perma banned. Please go through your history and remove your links.
Some users with 1+ year old accounts are sharing the same link a rash of sub-month-old sock accounts were hyping up a month ago. The site contains an amazon affiliate link, facebook link, and telegram link. Three obvious red flags!
Let it be known we are not installing telegram or joining facebook to police links so if you don't want to be banned DO NOT LINK TO THEM. We may assume on face value of a report that it is spam, self promotion or a honeypot.
Further clarification, here are some dummy links as an example. (Affiliate/Bannable) (Affiliate/Bannable) (Clean)
Don't post sites that contain affiliate links such as the first two examples. Most sites you land on with amazon links are affiliate links. They're often algorithmically generated like review sites or best [insert product here] of 2023. Even if you don't buy what they linked to, they still get money if you make a purchase on amazon after clicking those links.
Agreed! I'd rather take an herb that does the same thing. Lots of plants and herbs are antiviral, kills parasites and fungus. As you mentioned with some medicines, many herbs should be short term.