It doesn’t make even a little bit of sense… they are going to say there was no proof that the machines are rigged. Do we bare the burden of proof, where do they have to prove that their machines were NOT rigged? The only people with the algorithms are the CCP.
Unbelievable . 😡😡
It's a big club and you ain't in it.
If you remember, fox news helped with the steal on election day. They were the first to give up-for-grab states to Biden. This is a way for the deepstate to justify the steal and pretend fox news was fighting against it when it fact they are in on it to convince people dominion is legit.
That makes sense, so fox is willing to look like they are moral and conservative, OK I understand now. It seemed weird. I kept thinking, why fox? Why not OAN , etc
I was thinking it was to legitimize dominion but what you say also makes sense in that it legitimizes fox again. Kind of like paid advertising.
What better way to launder money back to Dominion?
I agree, I Knew that Fox and sold out, just had no idea they were so embedded
They settled to avoid what would be revealed during the discovery phase. Fox was complicit, and both Fox and Dominion answer to the cabal.
Exactly right!!
they are getting paid likely because Fox and them are in cahoots. Fox has some serious skeletons as does Dominion and they probably set this in motion to try to protect both of their asses from Gitmo
Thank you. So I understand now, it’s freaking fake!
Kinda like the Alex Jones show trial and payment.
Because Fox News was in on the stolen election.
This is just a huge transfer of money from one corrupt company to another even more corrupt company.
I don't think it works that way. Everyone, including corporations, is innocent until proven guilty.
Obviously nobody has been able to conclusively show that the voting machines were co-opted or rigged to steal the 2016 election, notwithstanding the fact that our instincts tell us otherwise.
Unless there is something else at play here: Fox and others could be incentivized by deep state actors to settle these lawsuits in order to avoid discovery and thereby keep the dirty secrets under wraps.
I think it’s the latter, now I do, thanks to you guys. And here I was , almost feeing SORRY for Fox News 😅
Here's another theory:
Yes, this! Thank you
Trying to cover tracks. Fox News is probably in on it.
You guys are correct , At least I think so. Fox is in on it, Especially since I was left scratching my head as to why Fox would have to “ pay” ( they’re probably not paying this !) It’s just that I was watching Steven Crowder this morning and he really pissed me off. He means well but sometimes he doesn’t know what he’s talking about
Those who rush to judgment usually get it wrong. I always try to sit on things for a day... and I am also usually wrong, but maybe not as much! 🤣
It makes all the sense in the world when you realize FOX is in on the scam.
Think dude, if fox and dominion had a contractual agreement to call the election for biden then fox wouldn't want that discovery in court and to set a precedent for others that dominion is suing
All you need to look at is total votes - does it make sense that there was 100% turnout among registered voters? No.