A few years ago this would have sounded ridiculous. Now I have learnt to expect most "child saving" organisations ae actually child traffickers, and those accused/convicted of horrific crimes were actually retributions for going against the Cabal.
Understanding how to look at reality. This was the greatest gift Q gave us.
Before Q, I thought I knew 90% and in reality only 10% of it was the truth.
Now I know that I dont know > 50%, but the things I know are much closer to truth than ever.
This is the process of learning knowledge. Understanding its impossible to know the full truth, and slowly building the approximation of the truth by patiently keeping an open mind, and using critical thinking.
A few years ago this would have sounded ridiculous. Now I have learnt to expect most "child saving" organisations ae actually child traffickers, and those accused/convicted of horrific crimes were actually retributions for going against the Cabal.
The “upside down”. No wonder so many movies have the mirror as a portal to an alternative world. Nothing is as it seems.
"Think Mirror"
How do we get to back to the other side…..
Understanding how to look at reality. This was the greatest gift Q gave us.
Before Q, I thought I knew 90% and in reality only 10% of it was the truth.
Now I know that I dont know > 50%, but the things I know are much closer to truth than ever.
This is the process of learning knowledge. Understanding its impossible to know the full truth, and slowly building the approximation of the truth by patiently keeping an open mind, and using critical thinking.