Gotcha. Sounds sciency. So basically its safe and effective. Wait how does the vacuum not suck our air? please say something provable and reproducable like a giant dome that the bible says. I understand a scuba tank or propane tank. If gravity is the preferred theory then never mind.
Just think of gravity as a kind of magnetism that is effective on air. The pressure is a function of the depth of the air. It's no different than water. Without gravity, water would just separate into globules and float around. The Bible says nothing about an enclosing dome. That is a "reading-in" from Medieval ideas derived from ancient Mesopotamia. All the Bible talks about are the heavens. "Firmament" is a translation bias. Other translations use "heaven" or "heavens."
As for provable and reproducible, we have the whole history of flight and rocketry from which we learned these facts. Go higher, the atmosphere is thinner. Eventually, it gets thin enough, we call it vacuum---even though there is still some density.
Here's how vacuum is not stronger than gravity. It is well known in barometry that you cannot, by vacuum, suck up a column of water higher than about 32 feet. That high, and no higher. Air is about a thousand times less dense than water, so that would be 32,000 feet of air---if air were an incompressible liquid. But air is really a compressible gas, so it has more elasticity and stretches up to about 100 kilometers before it is considered to be "space."
The first 19 verses of the Bible make it clear that the firmament separates the waters of outer space where heaven is from the inner space of the earth. The two great lights and the stars were placed in the firmament. Vs 17 should settle it. Raqiya is the expanse described as hard as glass. It gets better. Gods throne sits right on top of us. He described the earth as his footstool ( not spinning foot scrubber) and we are like grasshoppers under his dome. What color is his throne? Multiple times it is described as clear blue sapphire. In exodus Moses went up the mountain and saw God standing on a vast pavement of sapphire. did he write the first commandments on blue stones? I can see why they would think God sits in the heavens above the firmament. The tower of babal makes more sense now as well. They truly thought they could reach God. In numbers A man is executed for breaking the 4th commandment. They were ordered to weave a blue thread into their hem to remind others of the commandments. Why blue? His law written on his blue sapphire throne? The 4th commandment is about creation and his domain. Its the only one that says Remember as if we would forget creation. One more coincidence if you are still reading. Leviticus dictated the colors in the priests garments. The whore riding the beast in revelation has all the colors except, you guessed it, blue. The 4th commandment is the 7th day Sabbath that is part of creation. God said Remember because he knew the devil would trick us into forgetting the Sabbath celebration of creation in exchange for a tradition of Sun worship. Heliocentric model puts the Sun god as our center. Sunday replaced Sabbath. The blue throne and firmament forgotten for fantasy of ever expanding space. The blue is forgotten. The whore removed the blue. The protestant leaders called out the Copernicus model as satanic and even the Catholic church had to ban it for a century. Q was correct about being biblical.
"Got set them in the vault of the sky." A vault, in this context, is a huge, overarching space. "Firmament" is a translation choice that carries a lot of baggage that is not established by Scripture (unless you want to understand the world as it was understood by the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians). Sapphire has many colors, and its pure state is transparent. Nobody is worshiping the Sun. The post-resurrection sabbath day was never named "Sunday" in ancient times.
Scripture is not contrary to the truth, which is manifested in God's Creation. Pay more attention to the Creation, and stop reading your own fables into Scripture. (Not everything in Scripture is literal, as you should understand. There are figures of speech all throughout.)
Your quote comes from which version of the Holy Bible?
1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. (Water/Firmament/water)
1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. (water/Firmament/water) where is the other water beyond space?
1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. (Matches my sapphire throne theory)
1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
1:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. (2 great lights are miniscule if the NAZI version of the stars is true)
1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, (supports geocentric model, purpose is giving light to earth)
1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
1:19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
I don't see the confusion in a clear reading of the most common translations of the bible. This was KJV and the dozen other versions I have access to including Greek Hebrew and my favorite, the Geneva. If there is an obscure version that introduces the confusion, it was likely written specifically to support Copernicus and his heliocentric worship of the pagan Sun god. The protestant leaders called his model satanic at the time. I doubt they could comprehend how satanic our society has become. The Bible speaks for itself. Good faith wrestling over interpretation is healthy and makes each of us stronger. Lets leave the topic and pray for strength and solidarity to fight the real enemy. Have a Blessed Sabbath brother.
Okay, you dont need to call it vacuum if that confuses you. Call it 0 psi.
Imagine a tall cylinder, open top. Do you agree that the pressure in the cylinder will be greater at the bottom of the cylinder than at the top? This is because air has weight, like every other material. Wait though, why doesnt the air get sucked out the top of the container? Considering the air at the top is at a lower psi than the air at the bottom of the container.
Gotcha. Sounds sciency. So basically its safe and effective. Wait how does the vacuum not suck our air? please say something provable and reproducable like a giant dome that the bible says. I understand a scuba tank or propane tank. If gravity is the preferred theory then never mind.
Just think of gravity as a kind of magnetism that is effective on air. The pressure is a function of the depth of the air. It's no different than water. Without gravity, water would just separate into globules and float around. The Bible says nothing about an enclosing dome. That is a "reading-in" from Medieval ideas derived from ancient Mesopotamia. All the Bible talks about are the heavens. "Firmament" is a translation bias. Other translations use "heaven" or "heavens."
As for provable and reproducible, we have the whole history of flight and rocketry from which we learned these facts. Go higher, the atmosphere is thinner. Eventually, it gets thin enough, we call it vacuum---even though there is still some density.
Here's how vacuum is not stronger than gravity. It is well known in barometry that you cannot, by vacuum, suck up a column of water higher than about 32 feet. That high, and no higher. Air is about a thousand times less dense than water, so that would be 32,000 feet of air---if air were an incompressible liquid. But air is really a compressible gas, so it has more elasticity and stretches up to about 100 kilometers before it is considered to be "space."
The first 19 verses of the Bible make it clear that the firmament separates the waters of outer space where heaven is from the inner space of the earth. The two great lights and the stars were placed in the firmament. Vs 17 should settle it. Raqiya is the expanse described as hard as glass. It gets better. Gods throne sits right on top of us. He described the earth as his footstool ( not spinning foot scrubber) and we are like grasshoppers under his dome. What color is his throne? Multiple times it is described as clear blue sapphire. In exodus Moses went up the mountain and saw God standing on a vast pavement of sapphire. did he write the first commandments on blue stones? I can see why they would think God sits in the heavens above the firmament. The tower of babal makes more sense now as well. They truly thought they could reach God. In numbers A man is executed for breaking the 4th commandment. They were ordered to weave a blue thread into their hem to remind others of the commandments. Why blue? His law written on his blue sapphire throne? The 4th commandment is about creation and his domain. Its the only one that says Remember as if we would forget creation. One more coincidence if you are still reading. Leviticus dictated the colors in the priests garments. The whore riding the beast in revelation has all the colors except, you guessed it, blue. The 4th commandment is the 7th day Sabbath that is part of creation. God said Remember because he knew the devil would trick us into forgetting the Sabbath celebration of creation in exchange for a tradition of Sun worship. Heliocentric model puts the Sun god as our center. Sunday replaced Sabbath. The blue throne and firmament forgotten for fantasy of ever expanding space. The blue is forgotten. The whore removed the blue. The protestant leaders called out the Copernicus model as satanic and even the Catholic church had to ban it for a century. Q was correct about being biblical.
"Got set them in the vault of the sky." A vault, in this context, is a huge, overarching space. "Firmament" is a translation choice that carries a lot of baggage that is not established by Scripture (unless you want to understand the world as it was understood by the ancient Egyptians and Mesopotamians). Sapphire has many colors, and its pure state is transparent. Nobody is worshiping the Sun. The post-resurrection sabbath day was never named "Sunday" in ancient times.
Scripture is not contrary to the truth, which is manifested in God's Creation. Pay more attention to the Creation, and stop reading your own fables into Scripture. (Not everything in Scripture is literal, as you should understand. There are figures of speech all throughout.)
Your quote comes from which version of the Holy Bible?
1:6 And God said, Let there be a firmament in the midst of the waters, and let it divide the waters from the waters. (Water/Firmament/water)
1:7 And God made the firmament, and divided the waters which were under the firmament from the waters which were above the firmament: and it was so. (water/Firmament/water) where is the other water beyond space?
1:8 And God called the firmament Heaven. And the evening and the morning were the second day. (Matches my sapphire throne theory)
1:14 And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years:
1:15 And let them be for lights in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth: and it was so.
1:16 And God made two great lights; the greater light to rule the day, and the lesser light to rule the night: he made the stars also. (2 great lights are miniscule if the NAZI version of the stars is true)
1:17 And God set them in the firmament of the heaven to give light upon the earth, (supports geocentric model, purpose is giving light to earth)
1:18 And to rule over the day and over the night, and to divide the light from the darkness: and God saw that it was good.
1:19 And the evening and the morning were the fourth day.
I don't see the confusion in a clear reading of the most common translations of the bible. This was KJV and the dozen other versions I have access to including Greek Hebrew and my favorite, the Geneva. If there is an obscure version that introduces the confusion, it was likely written specifically to support Copernicus and his heliocentric worship of the pagan Sun god. The protestant leaders called his model satanic at the time. I doubt they could comprehend how satanic our society has become. The Bible speaks for itself. Good faith wrestling over interpretation is healthy and makes each of us stronger. Lets leave the topic and pray for strength and solidarity to fight the real enemy. Have a Blessed Sabbath brother.
Okay, you dont need to call it vacuum if that confuses you. Call it 0 psi. Imagine a tall cylinder, open top. Do you agree that the pressure in the cylinder will be greater at the bottom of the cylinder than at the top? This is because air has weight, like every other material. Wait though, why doesnt the air get sucked out the top of the container? Considering the air at the top is at a lower psi than the air at the bottom of the container.