I had to backtrack to figure out what you were referring to. Van Allen radiation consists of high-energy electrons and protons. The electrons are easily stopped. The protons will penetrate. Not enough to "cook flesh," but enough over time to cause cellular damage. The solution? Don't hang around. Get through it quickly. An aluminum fuselage will reduce the radiation. It is NOT like microwave radiation.
Moisture. That’s why it cooks flesh. Radiation. Not necessarily heat. I could be wrong. I’m always open to learn more.
I had to backtrack to figure out what you were referring to. Van Allen radiation consists of high-energy electrons and protons. The electrons are easily stopped. The protons will penetrate. Not enough to "cook flesh," but enough over time to cause cellular damage. The solution? Don't hang around. Get through it quickly. An aluminum fuselage will reduce the radiation. It is NOT like microwave radiation.