THE GUARDIAN SAVES THE DAY! Certain niches of internet are already rife with the “plandemic” theory, which alleges that the spread of the virus has been designed to create big bucks for pharmaceutical companies and the philanthropist Bill Gates (whose charity is funding many efforts)... LOL

All five of those arguments dissolve when you show someone the articles by Dr Peter McCullough, Dr Malone, and many other doctors who've done the research. Some of these people, like McCullough, are more qualified than Fauci.
We're at the point where anyone who supports the vax should be on the defensive. Ask them why they're supporting a government that censored the above mentioned doctors which was proven in the Twitter Files. Ask them why we should rely only on peer reviewed journals like the Lancet after they completely made up a fake study about HCQ (doesn't matter if HCQ works or not -- they lied). Ask them why they're behaving like Amway sales agents for big pharma despite its criminal history.
No conspiracy theories there. It's all backed up by fact. I recommend providing them source material for those facts, which I'd link to myself but it's Saturday and I need to get back to my pancakes.
EDIT: A better question regarding the Lancet: How many fake peers are required to review a fake study?
This is the kind of comment that GAW was built for. Nicely done.
He changed his stance on that after omicron
It was Omicron where the natural immunity did much better than the vax.
The vax at this point was worthless.
So some doctors are allowed to change their minds after new evidence is presented? ;)
Well all doctors are obviously thats how science works, before Einstein changed the status quo, there was a difference concencus right? Or when new evidence erupts, obviously a good doctor would reposition themselves, imagine not