yet the shelves are loaded with Bud Light. I'd say that the boycott of gender fluid is working!
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It's a start but Coors and Miller are just as woke too. With all the great craft and micro brews, I don't get why people even bother with any of them.
Oh, and the woman behind the woke ad for Bud Light has now taken a "leave of absence" and someone else has stepped in as brand VP. Looks like AB is taking notice. I only hope people will permanently boycott AB products.
Well most of the craft brews are bigger communists than the AB guys
it's true....
There are craft brews with labels replete with satanic/pedo symbolism .
That’s what I’ve observed. Most craft brews and even craft coffee is woketard tier at best. Once you see it, you can’t unsee it. Proves there’s a huge untapped market out there for real patriotic beverage brands in the near future. And don’t fall for fake patriot brands like Back Rifle Coffee.
I am a wine drinker. I once stood in the red wine aisle and searched for just one that didn’t have some satanic or pagan symbolism on the label or in the name. It was so depressing.
That's exactly what I was thinking. Most of the people I know who make or are into craft beers are communists.