The first google search gave me 6MWh (6000kWh) to make a tonne of “new steel”, times 260 tonnes = 1560MWh or 1,5 million kWh
The second google search told me that a normal turbine of 2,5-3MW can produce more than 6 million kWh in a year, or the equivalent of 1000 tonnes of steel, or about 4 windmills.
A windmill here in the EU lasts for 20-25 years, and offsets the energy needed for the steel in about 3 months.
I call bullshit on this meme.
There are problems with using windmills as the only source for energy, but to claim that it will never generate as much energy as invested in building it, is nonsense.
We’ll never be able to tax our way out of “climate change”, but there’s no reason to buy dumb stuff that support our confirmation bias.
Q taught us better.
I see (offshore) windfarms as a good source of energy in a country’s diversified energy supply. Number one should be hydro where that’s available, next is nuclear, and you can add solar power in small scale for local needs and wind for redundancy.
Why do you consider this view “indoctrination”?
Because I don’t buy this meme without any sources?
If you don't live around windmills well let me tell you. This things are super maintenance prone. Bearings, gears, parts for the generator's all fail quite often. This leads to the windmill being shutdown. My old hometown has windmills not too far away. Built about 10 years ago. Well they turn these things off and lock them when not in use. There was a wind storm not too long ago and I shit you not it literally ripped one of the wings right off, snapped right in half. The wind was too strong for the windmill. Yes you read that right. The wind snapped the blade of the windmill. The power isn't even used locally either. They also turn into massive ice catapults in the winter which makes them super dangerous to be under and or around. Imagine a school bus sized chunk of ice breaking free after an ice storm on a warm day. They will make great sniper positions in the event of a war though.
And because of the fiberglass, the broken/damaged/unusable blades are not able to be recycled, so they bury them in massive landfills which can then not be used for any other purposes. And the blades will probably take thousands of years to decompose, assuming they actually do ever decompose.
a 2 MW wind turbine weighs 1688 tons: 1300 tons concrete, 295 tons steel, 48 tons iron, 24 tons fiberglass, 4 tons copper, . 4 tons neodymium
this was the first result of a google search!
Source for this?
The first google search gave me 6MWh (6000kWh) to make a tonne of “new steel”, times 260 tonnes = 1560MWh or 1,5 million kWh
The second google search told me that a normal turbine of 2,5-3MW can produce more than 6 million kWh in a year, or the equivalent of 1000 tonnes of steel, or about 4 windmills.
A windmill here in the EU lasts for 20-25 years, and offsets the energy needed for the steel in about 3 months.
I call bullshit on this meme.
There are problems with using windmills as the only source for energy, but to claim that it will never generate as much energy as invested in building it, is nonsense.
Your Swedish overlords have you well indoctrinated on climate.
I’m just allergic to unsourced bullshit.
We’ll never be able to tax our way out of “climate change”, but there’s no reason to buy dumb stuff that support our confirmation bias.
Q taught us better.
I see (offshore) windfarms as a good source of energy in a country’s diversified energy supply. Number one should be hydro where that’s available, next is nuclear, and you can add solar power in small scale for local needs and wind for redundancy.
Why do you consider this view “indoctrination”?
Because I don’t buy this meme without any sources?
If you don't live around windmills well let me tell you. This things are super maintenance prone. Bearings, gears, parts for the generator's all fail quite often. This leads to the windmill being shutdown. My old hometown has windmills not too far away. Built about 10 years ago. Well they turn these things off and lock them when not in use. There was a wind storm not too long ago and I shit you not it literally ripped one of the wings right off, snapped right in half. The wind was too strong for the windmill. Yes you read that right. The wind snapped the blade of the windmill. The power isn't even used locally either. They also turn into massive ice catapults in the winter which makes them super dangerous to be under and or around. Imagine a school bus sized chunk of ice breaking free after an ice storm on a warm day. They will make great sniper positions in the event of a war though.
And because of the fiberglass, the broken/damaged/unusable blades are not able to be recycled, so they bury them in massive landfills which can then not be used for any other purposes. And the blades will probably take thousands of years to decompose, assuming they actually do ever decompose.