Canadian debunks Carbon Tax with simple math. Trees clean up far more carbon than everyone is producing.
"The more you know!"
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I stayed awake during science class prior to fake climate science taking over the world. Why don't you go back to that article, see who posted it, figure out what company owns it, what company owns them, and what their angle is. I think you'll find the truth a lot easier by following the money here, pal. I don't have to read communist propaganda to form my opinions on the blatantly obvious. Go cry about the few plants who choke on too much CO2 elsewhere.
So I'm correct, you didn't read it. You also didn't do any research on the person who wrote it, or what their angle is, so I don't know why you expect me to.
It seems you're just clinging to your own feelings instead of actually reading facts.
I don't have to research an article to see that there's an NWO angle that's being pushed everywhere we look. Tell me. Since you work in this field, what percent of the air is ideal for plant life that they put those machines in industrial greenhouses to raise the levels, but not too much? Outside it's at .04%. In a greenhouse, what's the ideal level and are you genuinely concerned that we're going to surpass that globally in our atmosphere?
Yeah clearly. All you seem to do is just make up whatever you think is right and not do any actual research to see if you're correct.
I work in the manufacturing field for sensors, not botany. I just posted you some links to it though. Long story short, it depends on the plant, as I said before.
I think based on our current progress we can expect things to get closer to dangerous levels though, yes, in time.