Clandestine- CNN and MSNBC ratings are in the tank, Fox News just signed their own death warrant, and the majority of Americans already get their news from Independent Journalism on social media.
Today will be known as the day that the legacy MSM officially died.
We are the News now.

"i think the cable TV model is over, just like the land-line telephone is over."
Land line may be over for you, but that doesn't mean it's dead in the wider world.
"why would anyone sit and watch a TV, when they have the internet in their pocket?"
You're right about the increasing irrelevance of TV, but not everyone wants to get their information and entertainment on a pocket-sized screen.
"why would you pay for a land-line, when you have a smart phone with good rates?"
Because not everyone thinks the way you do, or has the same needs. We cut our cable three years ago, and have never missed it. We access the internet with our laptops (connected to a big external monitor when appropriate). And my mobile phone isn't "smart." It's just a flip-phone, for making occasional calls when I'm away from home.
You're on the right track about the MSM, friend, but don't fall into the tunnel-vision of assuming that everyone is in exactly the same position as you and your circle. .
Not everyone, but I'd say the majority of people fall into the circle he explained