Many people don’t believe that demons are real. Instead, they interpret it in figurative terms. Despite them being open to the idea that demons exist, they almost exclusively are in denial of such phantasm happening to them and rely on ‘rational’ science to explain it. The denial ranges from disregard, silent trepidation, to not admitting to being influenced, harassed, and more.
We are brainwashed with this type of thinking that no matter how baffling the experiences might be, it must always be explained by known science. In psychology this a classic form of cognitive dissonance in that anxiety or discomfort results from simultaneously held contradictory or otherwise incompatible attitudes and beliefs. In many ways, you could classify these people as part of the ‘devil doesn’t exist’ crowd. Shortly I will show that this belief is witting and unwittingly nearly universal throughout society and acts as the antithesis to the belief in God. It all too often becomes the very truth behind ‘Q’s statement for “lead[ing] the world away from God and into sin.”
Psychotropic Drugs and Denial of Demonic Influence
Increasingly, we are seeing serious mental illness and irrational acts of violence in society. In the APA article “Mental Illness And Violence: Debunking Myths, Addressing Realities”, Dr. Eric B. Elbogen states – “Among those with serious mental illness, when it does occur, in many cases it is intertwined with other issues such as co-occurring substance use, adverse childhood experiences, and environmental factors”. Eric B. Elbogen, PhD. is a psychologist and professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at the Duke University School of Medicine who studies violence and mental illness.
He goes on to say, “If a person has a severe mental illness, [they] may have other risk factors for violent behavior,” he says. “So, it may not be mental illness that is driving the violence at all, but rather factors like having been abused as a child, being unemployed, or living in a high-crime neighborhood.”
In my humble opinion, Dr. Elbogen is being very guarded in what he says here and omits the prevailing underlying cause driving the violence. Note that there’s no mentioning of prescribed psychotropic drugs that are linked to a long list of school and mass shootings in the last 20 years or so. Also, see “Making A Killer, The Untold Story of Psychotropic Drugging”, here, and here.
Dr. Elbogen states that the violence “may not be mental illness that is driving the violence at all, but rather factors like having been abused as a child, being unemployed, or living in a high-crime neighborhood.”. In stating this, he is ignoring ‘elephant in the room’ while providing examples that are academically ‘safe’. Certainly, being a psychologist and professor of psychiatry and behavioral science at the Duke University School of Medicine provides the incentive for stating only these permitted ‘factors’ for driving the violence. Psychotropic drug sales fuels a $330 billion psychiatric industry. It continues to do so without a single cure. The cost in human terms is even greater—these drugs now kill an estimated 42,000 people every year. To admit publicly that psychotropic drugs are linked to mass shootings would be antagonistic to the industry that he is part of. Yet, there is more to the adverse effects of these drugs. They appear to allow a conduit or vulnerability to demonic influence, or even demon possession. This subject would not be allowed in the deliberation of discussion in the psychiatry field. To mention psychotropic drugs and its link to demonic influence, or even demon possession as a driving factor behind violent behavior would jeopardize the psychiatrist’s career. It appears acknowledging this critical factor for driving the violence appears to be a consideration too far.
As a purported science, psychiatry cannot acknowledge the existence of demonic influence. Is it clear why the Diabolical One is winning?
How much of a science is psychiatry actually? Since the field of psychiatry appears to be advancing the work of the Diabolical One in deceiving the world’ (ie. there is no devil’), let’s look at psychiatry further. We’ll soon start to see how much more this relates to ‘Q’ post 4402.
Is Psychiatry a Science?
In another post, I wrote that the field of psychiatry once classified transsexuals as being a mental disease up until the 1980s. Then suddenly, the American Psychological Association (APA) and the WHO changed track and removed it as a mental disease altogether. This occurred at about the same time mental institutions all across the United States were being closed down. Why did they do this? With this being the established precedent for over 75 years, how could ‘science’ suddenly change this? What new data and evidence was discovered to end this classification? I’ll address this in a moment, but first let’s look at the consequences of these decisions. We are now experiencing an ever growing crisis of mentally unstable individuals on the streets. Nearly all of it is perpetuated and caused by drugs. The growing problem of fentanyl and substance abuse is an existential crisis to all of us. Many of these people end up homeless and living on the streets. It is an ever growing subculture that is being effectively ignored. This neglect is a cover-up that was ignored even through the COVID pandemic.
When we talk about mental disease, not to many people understand that it is a committee of psychiatrists that determine what is a mental disease that is taken from menus of human behaviors. As part of this, the committee decides on the name, label, description and categorization of the new mental disease. The decision is made and the new mental disease is then soon marketed to the public. This may surprise many people, but there are no definitive laboratory tests for any so-called mental disorders. There are no biological markers, saliva tests, brain scans, or genetic assays. Moreover, physical medicine has adopted similar practices. Physical diseases now having eerie similarities and are concocted in the same way. For example, Sudden Adult Death Syndrome (SADS) is similar in that there is no valid test for it. Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS) is an earlier version. Mental diseases are concocted by committee driven by the monetary incentives of the ever expanding pharmaceutical industry.
This provides insight to why transsexuals were suddenly taken off the mental disease classification. The influences behind the committee of mental health experts convinced them to remove transsexual behavior as a mental disease. To further provide backing to this, even Dr. Allen Frances who was perhaps the most powerful psychiatrist in America at the time…” (New York Times, 1994) admitted:
“There is no definition of a mental disorder. It’s bullshit. I mean, you just can’t define it.” The ever expanding number of mental diseases is driven by a pharmaceutical industry that the American Psychiatry Association is in lockstep with.”
From this, Dr. Frances is telling us it is the pharmaceutical industry that is profiting off from mental diseases.
Dr. Russell Barkley, clinical professor of psychiatry and pediatrics at the Medical University of South Carolina in Charleston, sums up all of psychiatry:
“There is no lab test for any mental disorder. If a test were the standard of proof, we wouldn’t have science at all, and that would mean our whole profession rests on nothing—and that is unthinkable, so therefore a test doesn’t matter.”
That logic is no logic at all. That science is no science at all. Psychiatry is not really science. So, what is it then?
Psychiatry serves its master; the government. In Bolshevik Soviet Union any dissonant speaking contrary to the powers that be, were institutionalized in mental hospitals where they were injected with drugs and sphincter probed as a form of dehumanizing punishment. This sounds similar to the tragic plight and treatment of the J6 rally attendees. Their treatment is eerily the same. Christians and patriots are increasingly being demonized and attacked. The similarities to post World War II in eastern Europe and the untold horrific crimes against humanity occurring there are uncanny.
What is a Mental Disease?
If mental diseases are concocted and classified from a menu of human behaviors, but is void of any physical evidence detectable from lab tests, then what evidence is there of a mental disease? In my humble opinion, the evidence must be based on persistent acts contrary to Nature and it’s Laws.
Transsexual behavior is obviously consistent with this. In fact, it is a real and formidable threat to public safety. Hormone treatment has many adverse effects on the individual. These deleterious effects can begin to appear shortly after treatment begins. Long term adverse effects not only effects individual’s physiological homeostasis and health, but also emotional stability as well. Along with this is the alarmingly high percentage of transsexuals that attempted suicides being 40.6%. Along with this an astounding 80% of transsexuals have seriously considered suicide. From this, we can assume treatment for anti-depression, anxiety, dysphoria, anger, blame and other mental conditions are prescribed pharmaceutical drugs. These medicines readily affect mental activity, behavior, or perception, as a mood-altering drug. As a result, transsexuals on prescriptions of psychotropic drugs further promotes what psychiatrists call “Intermittent Explosive Disorder” (IED). This mental disorder involves repeated, sudden episodes of impulsive, aggressive, violent behavior or angry verbal outbursts in which you react grossly out of proportion to the situation. Road rage, domestic abuse, throwing or breaking objects, or other temper tantrums may be signs of intermittent explosive disorder. Is it too much of a reach to suggest when drugs affect mental activity and behavior, it open a pathway of demonic influence or even possession? If drunkenness can lead to debauchery, impulsive, aggressive, and violent behavior, and thereby preventing the holy Spirit from being received, then is it out of realm of possibilities that hormones and drugs certainly have the same capability and more.
“Do not get drunk on wine, which leads to debauchery. Instead, be filled with the Spirit.” – Ephesians 5:18
Hard liquor is referred to as ‘spirits’ and while there’s no clear origin of this term for alcohol, it was the alchemists of the Middle East that were the first to master distillation. Alchemy, sorcery, and pharmacy all have connections to the word ‘spirit’ and the influence of the Diabolical One. Aristotle believed drinking alcohol put ‘spirits’ into the body of the drinker.” Every ancient civilization had gods of distilled alcohol. Is this just a coincidence? Or was Aristotle referring to those ‘spirits’ as the influence of demons? I trend to believe in the later. No good ever comes from drunkenness.
Excellent...this is a thesis...on to part 2...