Faux had everything it needed to blow that case out of the water. It was a case they were likely to win on the merits, and then they suddenly settled. Why?
Actually Fox was going into trial with a very bad hand.
a comment I left elsewhere
Discovery already occurred. Depositions already occurred. Lots of bad stuff for Fox already came out. Emails/Texts from Tucker got released as part of the court documents. Murdoch himself sat for a deposition.
The trial would not have been about "Did Fox defame Dominion" because the judge issued a summary judgement on that. That means the facts were already proven and a jury would not need to establish the defamation. There was only going to be one issue at trial.
In the court documents. Dominion argued that Fox made
(1) false statements; (2) of and concerning Dominion; (3) that were published; (4) that were defamatory per se; and (5) did so with actual malice.
The judge said the facts of 1, 2, 3 and 4 were true. The only issue before a jury would #5. To prove "actual malice" Dominion would have to prove Fox "either knew that the statement was false at the time, or else demonstrated “reckless disregard” as to if it was false."
This case has been going on for two years. Dominion sued Fox in March 2021.
Pretrial discovery has been going on for a long time. Dominion got access to Fox emails and text messages and then deposed many people who worked at Fox.
I know that some messages from Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham were part of court documents. Even Rupert Murdoch himself was deposed. Hannity and Tucker were expected to be called to testify by Dominion at the trial
You should read it. It definitely wasn't hearsay and it definitely was not from other media. The info was from Fox insiders themselves. Basically in private they said there was no evidence for the allegations, but their let their on-air talent make the allegations over and over.
There's a definite reason Fox paid ~800 million. The trial would have been worse.
Actually Fox was going into trial with a very bad hand.
a comment I left elsewhere Discovery already occurred. Depositions already occurred. Lots of bad stuff for Fox already came out. Emails/Texts from Tucker got released as part of the court documents. Murdoch himself sat for a deposition.
The trial would not have been about "Did Fox defame Dominion" because the judge issued a summary judgement on that. That means the facts were already proven and a jury would not need to establish the defamation. There was only going to be one issue at trial.
In the court documents. Dominion argued that Fox made
(1) false statements; (2) of and concerning Dominion; (3) that were published; (4) that were defamatory per se; and (5) did so with actual malice.
The judge said the facts of 1, 2, 3 and 4 were true. The only issue before a jury would #5. To prove "actual malice" Dominion would have to prove Fox "either knew that the statement was false at the time, or else demonstrated “reckless disregard” as to if it was false."
From what information did the judge "say" 1.2.3 & 4 were true? If he was basing it on hearsay from other media companies he should be disbarred
This case has been going on for two years. Dominion sued Fox in March 2021.
Pretrial discovery has been going on for a long time. Dominion got access to Fox emails and text messages and then deposed many people who worked at Fox. I know that some messages from Hannity, Tucker, Ingraham were part of court documents. Even Rupert Murdoch himself was deposed. Hannity and Tucker were expected to be called to testify by Dominion at the trial
The document I linked to is the judge opinion. He issued a summary judgement on 1, 2, 3, and 4 and gave his reasoning. https://courts.delaware.gov/Opinions/Download.aspx?id=345820
You should read it. It definitely wasn't hearsay and it definitely was not from other media. The info was from Fox insiders themselves. Basically in private they said there was no evidence for the allegations, but their let their on-air talent make the allegations over and over.
There's a definite reason Fox paid ~800 million. The trial would have been worse.