Since all census stats, national and global, are bs, there is no way to know. Just like there is no way to know how many people actually died from the vax or how many pregnancies were lost due to the same.
This is done on purpose so [they] can tell us whatever [they] want to tell us, whether it is to support [their] bs narrative or to distract us with a narrative that already fits our thought process in order to call us conspiracy theorists later.
I wonder about this too; how we'd ever even know? maybe there were never as many people/could all be BS. Also; would like to know what our population 'should' be? if it had been left alone...
If you think about it, census data is the low hanging fruit. What about everything else... food, education, medicine, science, elections, overseas relations, etc, etc... how would we really know?
Since all census stats, national and global, are bs, there is no way to know. Just like there is no way to know how many people actually died from the vax or how many pregnancies were lost due to the same.
This is done on purpose so [they] can tell us whatever [they] want to tell us, whether it is to support [their] bs narrative or to distract us with a narrative that already fits our thought process in order to call us conspiracy theorists later.
I wonder about this too; how we'd ever even know? maybe there were never as many people/could all be BS. Also; would like to know what our population 'should' be? if it had been left alone...
If you think about it, census data is the low hanging fruit. What about everything else... food, education, medicine, science, elections, overseas relations, etc, etc... how would we really know?