I am REALLY HOPING that the plan still includes absolute proof that 2020 was fixed/stolen.
If not, the Cabal gains back a lot of brainshare among the dipshits in this country who were starting to wake up.
Furthermore, it is the PERFECT TIME to show us the truth, because the country--even the dems--is so TIRED of FJB.
If we let the dems transition to a different candidate, we have allowed too many people to conclude that Q, and Anons, are simply conspiracy theorists... and although I don't give a shit personally, strategically that is a loss and prolongs the Awakening.
What say the rest of you? Where is the Plan headed with respect to 2020?
At this point, there are two, perhaps three types of people left. The first set has no faith in elections, they are certain that the last few elections and possibly many more are all corrupted and fake. The second set think the elections are safe and secure and although there may be minor issues, it is overall legit. The third set are unaware of anything, they are too busy, too distracted or too ignorant and have a lack of desire to inform themselves. The first set is most of the population. The second set is 4-6%, these are the dangerous ones, they cling to their delusions so vigorously that any disruption causes them to become extreme and dangerous. The third set are capable of waking up, but have to have direct life impact for them to get involved.
If your friends and family are in the second set, you may want to disconnect from them entirely. They cannot wake up and will be a danger to you and your family.