I am REALLY HOPING that the plan still includes absolute proof that 2020 was fixed/stolen.
If not, the Cabal gains back a lot of brainshare among the dipshits in this country who were starting to wake up.
Furthermore, it is the PERFECT TIME to show us the truth, because the country--even the dems--is so TIRED of FJB.
If we let the dems transition to a different candidate, we have allowed too many people to conclude that Q, and Anons, are simply conspiracy theorists... and although I don't give a shit personally, strategically that is a loss and prolongs the Awakening.
What say the rest of you? Where is the Plan headed with respect to 2020?
Thanks. Here are some sources:
Kamala and many other Democrats saying in 2018 that machines can't be trusted: https://www.realclearpolitics.com/video/2021/07/19/2018_flashback_democrats_talk_about_election_fraud_hacked_voting_machines_switching_votes.html#!
Ask them why it was fine to question machines back then, but now "It's a danger to Democracy and you're an election denier" just because they dislike Trump and they prefer the outcome of the election.