Like many on here, I haven't been as active on here lately. Family, work, real life stuff, etc. has all caught up to me and taken up a lot of my time, so I haven't been able to post as much, or as often as I'd like to on here. But all this time away from being anything more than a lurker on here has helped me notice something.
There's a pattern I've noticed, especially among the more "normie conservative" types, that's been emerging lately. Everyone who does the slightest thing we don't agree with, is instantly a evil RINO or cabal stooge (in the case of us Anons).
The most obvious case is Desantis. But I can understand why some people are turning on him. I'm personally in the camp that he's part of Trump's 5D chess plays. Even if he IS doing some weird crap now, it's not that much different from all the weird crap Trump has done that we don't understand entirely by himself. And I just can't fathom that the cabal would give up THE THIRD LARGEST STATE/ECONOMY IN THE COUNTRY willingly. All the stuff that has been done under Desantis has made Florida into a conservative stronghold, DESPITE the cheating. That would be a huge loss, so it makes more sense to me that this is some elaborate 5D chess play we won't understand for another 6 months or so.
But I digress, he's just the biggest example, there's plenty more, especially among the normie crowd. The three biggest examples I've seen among the more "normie types" are Glen Youngkin, Bill Lee, and strangely enough, the entire Alabama Legislature.
People both in the Normie world, and in the Anon world seem to be crapping on Youngkin for not going full MAGA in Virginia. Suddenly he's a RINO because he didn't go scorched earth.....despite the Virginia state Senate still being controlled by democrats. Yeah, Youngkin can't exactly go full MAGA when the Virginia senate is blocking everything. In fact, when asked about running for president, Youngkin said denied it and said he's focusing on flipping the state senate in 2024 so that he can start implementing the MAGA policies that his constituents elected him to implement. So Youngkin, despite what many may claim, appears to be on our side and has done everything in his power to do what he was elected to do, as permitted without control of the state Senate.
Next, Bill Lee. After the Nashville Christian School Shooting, he's more or less been demonized. And I'm not going to defend his call for a special session for gun control. But the context is being left out of most outlets. Every gun news youtuber is crucifying the man over this, but conveniently leave out the context that he didn't want to initially call for a special session, nor did he want any form of new gun control. He initially wanted to rework the state budget to budget out $140 Million in order to hire and train new on site resource officers throughout the state of Tennessee. The legislature said it was too late in the session to do that, and the session ended.
The reason for the special session, as recently revealed, is that HIS WIFE has been pushing him from behind the scenes to call a special session in order to try and pass a law prohibiting people on certain medications (mostly the crap that the fag tranny shooter was on) from being allowed to purchase firearms. Which I still don't support, but isn't the worst thing I've ever heard. And this is only because one of the adults killed at the school was a personal friend of hers. So the man's wife is overly emotional because she had a friend killed in a clown op to try and push for gun control, and is pushing for her husband to do something about it. I believe he should have still said no, but it's doesn't appear to be some cabal plot from a nearly decade old RINO plant. More just an overly emotional wife, influencing her husband.
All of these other california style gun bans and bills being put forth in the special session are being put forth by liberals. Most of which are put forth every year, in every red state, and never come up for a vote, for obvious reasons. So these gun news youtubers and others freaking out about it are leaving out a lot of context and making it seem like Bill Lee himself is calling for assault weapons bans and the like. Don't get me wrong, he's probably nuked his career, and there IS talk about recalling him over this, but I don't think he's a RINO or a cabal member. More just a normal politician, who made a critical mistake in a time of great personal emotional distress.
And finally, the dumbest one. The Alabama legislature. As I mentioned previously, pretty much every single red state has a dozen or so gun control bills that get written up every year by liberals. None of which every even make it to committee. Alabama is no exception, but for SOME bizarre reason, I've seen pretty much every big gun news youtuber make a video on some of the bills that were written up by the Alabama legislature earlier this year, none of which made it to committee, much less a vote. And INSTANTLY every single member of the Alabama legislature was deemed a RINO in the comments.
Alabama is LITERALLY the third reddest state in the union by percentage. Only Wyoming and West Virginia are more Red if going by percentages.
Bit of a rant I know, but it's just something I've noticed and I felt it needed to be called out. Not everyone who says or does something we disagree with is a RINO or a cabal member. Context is everything, and half the time, the people being labeled as RINOs are either not legally able to do anything, or literally are doing the opposite of what they're being accused of.
Context is everything in this information war. And we need to be more proactive in not falling into information pitfalls.
It's useful to be familiar with various perspectives. No one should receive our blind trust.