More U.S. voters support banning assault weapons over arming citizens to reduce gun violence, according to a Fox News poll released on Thursday.
While 45 percent of those surveyed said they would encourage more citizens to carry guns to defend against attackers, 61 percent said they favored banning assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons.
All polls are fabricated bullshit numbers to bolster whatever they want to push
Chicago+gun control (bans) =762 murders every year. They only poll the morons.
Over 5000 shootings last year
The MSM has brainwashed the masses into thinking that "assualt weapon, semi-automatic" means "full-automatic machine gun that only terrorists could possibly want."
That said, no, I don't believe this "poll" for one minute.
Have we not learned anything about "polls"? Well, we have, but your average remaining FOX News watching normie hasn't because I work with one. Like the CNN retard, the FOX retard is the same when it comes to brand loyalty and low IQ. My FOX normie said when asked about Tucker leaving was, "I only like Tucker when he talked about the UFO stuff, so I don't care he's gone.". Not even making that up.
Polls are propaganda.
Saw a poll that said people was in favor of restricting laws.....“and banning assault rifles and semi-automatic weapons (60 percent).“ What made me call BS is it said gun owners favored it. A simi-auto ban would ban virtually every common self defense handgun in use. I’m not seeing the gun owner reference now. https://www.foxnews.p/politics/fox-news-poll-voters-favor-gun-measures-doubt-congress-will-act
Must have polled the criminal element that has not been prosecuted and is released time and time again to be on the streets committing crimes. Certainly they want guns to be banned, it ensures their safety. To pollsters looking to make a political statement, all of these individuals are “voters” and good poll participants.
I would bet that polling would show the majority thinks the politicians can’t give one iota of care whether we we suffer and die or not.
Excellent point, Fren. Hard to tell if the psyop is working or if they're increasing their desperation and just making shit up on the fly because they know very few people will call it out, let alone even catch on to it.