Quick PSA for GAW's resident "joo-fags." Q said, "We are saving Israel for last." When's that? WHO KNOWS! No online community tracks the Overton window better than GAW. When it's time, you shall be unleashed! Till then? Sit tight! Mods are on the case, and the ban hammer is OUT. Thank you!

Post 916 consisted of two short sentences.
We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.
The second sentence is more interesting to me than the first. Taken in context, it does not allude to the reason for dealing with Israel but rather the reason Israel is to be dealt with after everyone else. What about Israel makes placing them as the last issue so important that it must be specified in a separate post.
I've wondered about that myself. Romans 11: 25 - 36 may be one of the reasons... https://www.blueletterbible.org/nasb95/rom/11/1/s_1057001
It does make you wonder if it's biblical.....