All a bar's responsibility is, is to make money, don't allow kids, and keep it safe.
They should never be considering getting into politics -- at all.
If a MAGA type is stirring up trouble, warn them to chill.
If a leftist is stirring up trouble, warn them to chill.
All anyone actually wants is equal treatment but these people all lean into their conditioning to believe that the leftist opinion is such a vast majority that picking their side will yield positive results.
All a bar's responsibility is, is to make money, don't allow kids, and keep it safe.
They should never be considering getting into politics -- at all.
If a MAGA type is stirring up trouble, warn them to chill.
If a leftist is stirring up trouble, warn them to chill.
All anyone actually wants is equal treatment but these people all lean into their conditioning to believe that the leftist opinion is such a vast majority that picking their side will yield positive results.