posted ago by Reborned20 ago by Reborned20 +12 / -0


I read the article, that states: One prominent pro-life organization, Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America, is leading the charge against Trump. They have the audacity to demonize his stance on abortion: that it is an issue that should be left to the states. SBA Pro-Life said Trump’s stance is a “morally indefensible position for a self-proclaimed pro-life presidential candidate.”

ok, so read on...

However, don’t be fooled. Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America isn’t pushing back against Trump because they care about babies—they’re doing it for purely political reasons.

SBA Pro-Life gave away their con when they immediately shifted from criticizing Trump to praising former U.S. ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley, a neoconservative with dismal support even in her home state of South Carolina, for giving a speech filled with trivialities and platitudes at the group’s headquarters earlier this week....

“Haley’s commitment to acting on the American consensus against late-term abortion by protecting unborn children by at least 15 weeks when they can feel excruciating pain,” SBA Pro-Life said in response to Haley’s speech.

The problem with this glowing “pro-life” endorsement from SBA is that Haley hadn’t even outlined her abortion commitment when they made their declaration. How do they know what her plans are, if she hasn’t made them public?

SBA Pro-Life was later reminded that Haley never actually outlined her commitment to banning abortion at 15 weeks while giving her canned speech, after which they noted that they were “assured she would set national consensus at 15 weeks.”

Is Susan B. Anthony Pro-Life America a FAKE or an infiltrated 3-Letter Group used as a weapon against Patriot Candidates like President Trump ?

Your Thoughts ?