Dear frens, I am feeling compelled and led by the spirit of Christ to send out an SOS for a patient I see regularly.
Without giving specifics, he is in a really, really bad place. He served for many years during Bush/Clinton/Obama era in the Middle East and obviously has some really horrible experiences.
Please pray for release from the horror he saw. Name him as Patriot X. Our good Lord will know him, and all others in the same spot.
They all need our prayers.
This is cool.
BTW, it's the kundalini, the energy that sits in the sacrum. Is that why it's called that...because it's sacred?
That energy needs to flow up the spine and not get stuck anywhere.
Jesus Christ was a kundalini yogi. He gave shaktipat. John the Baptist said so -- he said someone was coming who would baptize with fire and the Holy Spirit.
This is also why the baddies place such an emphasis on sex. They want that energy stuck in the lower energy centers instead of moving all the way up the spine.
Get it all the way up the spine and to the top and you join with Christ energy...from the inside.
Thank you very much for posting this.