This guy really seems to have the whole thing figured out, I'm not gonna lie:'s%20REALLY%20happening%20in%20Ukraine%20by%20Derek%20Johnson%20v2.pdf
Maybe all the anti white stuff, all the trans stuff, all the WWIII stuff, all the Biden stuff, all the stolen election stuff, all the southern invasion stuff, the money to Ukraine stuff, the DeSantis stuff--you name it, is all actually totally fake. But was necessary to show people the importance of our freedoms.
Maybe the patriots already took control of the fake news media and now they're just playing their role as captives of the white hats so they can dot all their I's and cross all their T's and round up every last criminal found in those sealed indictments, try them, sentence them, execute them and replace them in the public square with actors while the masses sit around thinking everything is business as usual within the left/right paradigm. It would certainly be the cleanest way to go about it.
Maybe there won't be some big 10 day roundup of all these criminals. Maybe most of them have already been rounded up and have had their trials and been sentenced. Maybe when the white hats finally come out and reveal what they've been doing, it will already be done, and all that will be left to do is present the facts and the proof to the public.
Maybe nobody involved will have the chance to watch that announcement, freak out and try to skip the country. Maybe all these videos by Rosie and Ellen and Tom Hanks and you name it are all proof that they've already been rounded up, and the movies Hollywood keeps making and the shows they're running are merely the movies and shows the white hats are allowing them, or rather, forcing them, to keep creating in order to keep the operation running smoothly and the economy running until the big Declas/MOASS date.
Maybe we really should just enjoy the show. Maybe that's really all it is. Sure, we should probably still pray. But maybe we should just be uttering prayers of gratitude because the battle is already won. Maybe what's taking so long are the damn trials. How long would it take to try and sentence and execute half a million people? Probably a while.
Maybe we won't be watching those live. Maybe they'll all just come out via streaming services on demand, and if we want to watch them, we can, but it's not like it's going to be the only thing on TV. Imagine how that would be. That's how I thought it was going to be. But what would happen to the country if that many people were waiting live trials for us all to watch?
Would you go to work? I wouldn't. I wouldn't risk missing that kind of live programming. But if it's all recorded and on-demand, then yeah, I could still go to work and then watch the trials I wanted to watch when it made sense for me, and then just pause it and move away if it became too much.
Remember the amount of coverage the OJ Simpson case got? Multiply that by a few thousand. Not good.
The country...nay...the world would grind to a halt if they televised all that live, wouldn't it? It would be like 2-3 straight years of super bowl sundays, everyone marking their calendars for the big names, becoming tv zombies with nothing else to do while our economies suffered. Can't imagine the white hats would want that.
Maybe that's why Trump is so calm. Maybe that's why he's getting ahead of DECLAS with all these announcements of policies he's going to enact when he's back in office. Not because he'll need to be elected again, but because he'll still be President, as will be revealed, and these are the things he'll enact as President while we're all waiting for the next election to replace all the people in Congress who were executed for treason recently. Kinda feels like that's what he's doing. Those videos he's putting out don't really watch like campaign videos, do they? They sound more like matter of fact policy plans--like they're a sure thing.
Meanwhile, we're getting the chance to see just how stupid Critical Race Theory is, so when all the Commies who were pushing it are suddenly gone, we'll all know good and well why such doctrine was such a bad idea and nobody will cry when it's eliminated from our schools overnight.
And we're getting lambasted with commercials and media that paint straight white males in such a negative light, it will be this huge relief when once again, representation in media actually reflects our nation's real demographics.
And we're getting lambasted with such ridiculous examples of leftism, such as trannyism and pedophilia, that nobody will miss it when it suddenly disappears as well.
Roe v. Wade is already struck down, but now we're getting the opportunity to show each and every state population why abortion laws should be stricter.
Big Pharma has been exposed. Won't be much of a shock now when Trump reveals that all the cheap cures we need have been getting manufactured by Kodak and Regeneron for the past several years. That's what he said he was going to do with them, after all. After he had "covid" he emerged from the hospital, talked about the treatment he had, and then said he was going to give that to every single American. He tends to make good on his word. I doubt he would have made that kind of promise if he didn't intend to make good on it. He called it a miracle cure. Said he was going to manufacture it and have the military deliver it to everybody. That hasn't happened yet so...
The Federal Reserve System and the WEF and WHO and CIA and FBI IRS have been exposed. Won't see many people cry when those are disbanded or replaced. Ron Paul will literally nut in his pants.
I mean...what if this really is all just a show, and getting upset about the things we see in the news is just silly?
Maybe we should stop waiting for "The Storm." Maybe we've all been living through it this whole time. We've all been getting educated. We've been waking up. But we all know the BIG awakening will be when DECLAS happens, but how will that really happen unless we've already seized control of the media?
So maybe we have. Maybe we've just been watching this big dumb show so that when they turn the lights on one of these days (soon, hopefully) all the heavy lifting was already done. The arrests. The trials. The executions. Already done. And everything we've been watching on the edge of our seats was really just some big dumb show because the Patriots really have been in control and running this massive operation in secret ever since Trump made his world tour and all the major countries capitulated to Trump and the Great Awakening.
What if Covid was all just a big wag the dog? All these people supposedly dying at all these big empty hospitals full of dancing nurses. What if that was a big show? Maybe Fauci was already dead. Maybe that whole thing was just to get people to stay inside so the military could move around the country unobstructed, making the mass arrests we were promised?
Maybe it's the white hats keeping MOASS from happening with GME, etc. until the time is right.
Maybe was set up prior to the election so we could have exact numbers and prove to people on a blockchain or whatever exactly what the results of the 2020 election were, but they let everything play out under the old system so we could all see for ourselves just how important a secure and transparent voting system was. And now it will be.
Wouldn't that be something.
i think it was back in Sept when DJ went 'off' on Jon/patel patriot, Kate etc. since then i no long listen to DJ nor respect him. i'll stick to the Devolution series
Does DJ refer to Derek Johnson?
If so, doesn't he also believe in Devolution?
yes n yes
Surprising he's attacking Patel Patriot. Seems odd if he believes in Devolution, also.