El-Salvador President Nayib Bukele officially signed a law eliminating all taxes on income, property, and capital gains for technology innovations! Assassination in 3... 2... 1...
El Salvador Wins Again!

In this journey to Great Awakening, each of us find our own unique path through the darkness. There is so much we dont know, so much we have been lied to, and so much we are scared to see. So each person plots a way through this darkness that is uniquely suitable for them. It might feel frustrating that the person next to you is not shining the light on the same patch of darkness you are focused on, but believe me, that person is focusing the light on a different patch of darkness you might have completely missed.
Ultimately everything that has been used to deceive us and keep us in the dark has one common point. The head of the snake. Cut it off and the beast dies as the life drains.
What is this point? The magic money. The illusion of wealth - fiat currencies - printed by the Central Banks, is the life blood of everything thats evil and unnatural. You cut it off and suddenly - there will be no CIA, No think tanks. No false flags. No IRS. No big government, period.
We dont need every single person to understand every single entity that has been subverted. We need most of the people to understand this root cause and how it spawns the evil.
I disagree that money magic is the root cause. It is the foundation of the structure upon which the current iteration of The Matrix is built, what I call The Machine, but it isn't the root cause of The Matrix itself. The root cause of The Matrix is our belief in Authority. We believe that we must be "saved." We believe that we need "better rulers." We believe in a hierarchy, that it is fundamental, and we get that belief from all previous iterations of The Matrix. That is the one belief that doesn't ever change.
It doesn't matter what system is in place. As long as there is a hierarchy, they win. The top of any hierarchy is easily infiltrated. It represents a vulnerability in any system, but more importantly, it is the Root Fraud.
My research suggests the previous iteration of The Matrix created this hierarchy by subverting the teachings of Jesus; by setting him up as "Lord and Savior." Jesus never placed himself on a throne. He wasn't intending to be "the savior," he was showing the path to "salvation" (Awakening from The Matrix). He never put himself into the Hierarchy. On the contrary, he stated explicitly that we are All God. "I Am the Son of God." "You are All the Children of God," etc.
We got "Jesus as Lord" through the rhetoric (not the quotes) of the Gospels, through the carry overs of hierarchy from the Old Testament (written by the Priest Class of Jews, which set them up forever rich through their system of Tithe), and through Paul, a known high level Pharisee, acting in exactly the same manner as the systems of controlled opposition today; to wit, "changing sides" and leading the "Revolution".
This hierarchy of the previous iteration (and still fundamental today) which can largely be attributed to Paul, was later reinforced and made into law with the creation of the Theodosianus Codex upon which The Church was founded. This was done specifically to create a Divine Right to Rule. Numerous pagan tenets were included that were antithetical to the teachings of Jesus, designed to join all of the disparate religions of the Roman Empire, thus uniting it. Most important, it subverted the teachings of all such enlightened individuals (their main message), which allowed for the construction of the hierarchy.. This message was, as The Man from Mars put it in Stranger in a Strange Land: "Thou art God."
We have been purposefully separated from Source; made to believe that that separateness is fundamental. Because only a separate entity from Source, a subject to It (not a fundamental part of it) can be Ruled.
The entire concept of Authority is the foundation of The Matrix. It is the root of all fuckery. Money is a huge part of The Machine, but even in a completely different economic system, if there is an entity that we allow to make any level of decisions on the fate of our own path, if we do not recognize the real scope of our Sovereignty, we are doomed to fall right back to were we are now, because that Root Fraud will remain.
So few people see that, even here. That is what frightens me, because that is easily exploitable to guide decisions, and lead us straight into the waiting arms of the "benevolent Ruler" that they provide for us.
A Matrix Reset.
This is very interesting, and resonates with my own understanding of Jesus. Can you point to any references in Bible to back this?
This is such an excellent question, and, given my pontificating, it is one which I should have already had clear answers, but when I thought about it, I realized I did not. So, I’ve spent some time today looking at the texts, trying to divine why I felt the way I did.
I spent the first part of my life raised as a Christian, though not just “raised,” but rather reared by a theologian. My father was a minister, a Christian scholar, and a gifted debater. I spent no small part of the first couple decades of my life in debate on Christian theology with both my father and numerous other theologians. I had long ago left behind everything “Christian” because I kept winning debates, or rather, they always devolved into arguments from circular logic, or relying on faith to overcome the evidence. In contemplation today, I realized I didn’t really start to feel that Jesus was really teaching what I am suggesting he was teaching until I had (somewhat recently) read the “alternative” gospels, the ones left out of the “official narrative.”
It isn’t that the other gospels are contradictory (from my perspective) with say, the “red letters,” rather they are, for the most part, complimentary, but they provide more context.. So while I can (and will) show evidence within the red letters (“Jesus’ quotes” from canonical gospels), things are more explicitly stated in the other gospels.
For example:
This gives a sense of the teachings being a guide. Jesus being special (Divine in an exclusive way) isn’t a part of this, rather it is that he has gained an understanding, and is reassuring his followers that they have everything they need already within them. That’s not the only possible interpretation, but it is certainly compatible. In other words, looking at just this statement, the path isn’t through Jesus (as is Doctrine), but rather through the path he has laid out for them.
In the Gospel of Thomas is a similar teaching:
This one is much more inline with my interpretation. Again,
I think “children” should be capitalized here, but that may just be a function of the interpreter, and not the original text. Regardless, this sentence is so powerful. I interpret this as “You are Split-Aparts from Source” (Children of the living Father). “All you have to do to realize this is to learn how to listen to that which is already inside you.” You cannot help but be Children of the Living Father. It is what you are. Just not everyone realizes it because people have forgotten how to listen to the Source that is inside of them, and in all things.
In the canonical bible, this is stated very differently, in no small part because of Paul or John (who’s authorship may have been Paul). For example:
All of these say “We are children of God because we believe," or "because we believe he adopts us," not, "if you learn how to listen, you will find God inside you," or, “We are the Children of God. Period.” In other words, all of these things teach a separation of us from Source. It is only if we adhere to what the teachings demand that we can be a part of Source again. But I assert (and physics suggests, and other teachings from Jesus suggest) it is IMPOSSIBLE to be separated from Source. It is however possible for us to forget our connection to Source, or not be able to see it.
None of these statements of separation (topologically distinct separation) come from Jesus, rather, they were a part of the teachings of someone else (mostly or totally Saul the Pharisee, the leader of the “revolution”).
In no case (that I’m aware of) does Jesus state it this way.
Again, within the Gospel of Thomas, Jesus expands the concept of All of us being Divine (Thou art God):
James the Just is thought to be his brother (or possibly step-brother, though I question the motives behind such determination, whatever, it’s not important). This is a pretty clear statement that it isn’t just him that has reached enlightenment, indeed, James also has recognized the Divinity within himself.
I think this saying is very interesting:
This sounds a whole lot like an appreciation for the illusory nature of Nature, similar to the Buddhist concept of “what we see as reality is nothing but a gross distortion through the extremely limited scope of our perspective.” This idea is directly reflected in all of our models of physics. It is because I have always been passionate about physics that I found some appreciation of the philosophies of Buddhism, though I always felt that their actions which separate themselves from society didn’t make any sense. I now think that that is intentional fuckery. A purposeful misinterpretation of the Buddha’s teachings. This keeps the idea of "Thou art Source," which is one of the main teachings of Buddhism, from a huge number of people.
That’s just how I interpret this, but I think it is consistent with everything else.
Again, from Thomas:
Again, this sounds like people are blind not because they couldn’t understand, not because Source wasn’t already inside of them, but because they were too drunk on the world to see, to allow themselves to be filled up with Source. They fill up the space of themselves with emptyness, where there would be understanding. That will happen when they “shake off their wine,” which I relate to the lies that surround us, the distractions of the wool that covers our eyes, The Matrix.
There is a great deal more within Thomas and the other gospels left out of the final version of the bible (or rather, the version we have now, since it actually changed numerous times over the intervening two millennia). Comparing those gospels with the canonical versions provides a lot of corroboration, but also a whole lot more context that really calls into question the gospels we got. There are some places of disagreement, but I wonder if there might have been parts left out of what we got within the books themselves, or if perhaps there might have been some subtle mistranslations to create that sense of a separation from Source, to reinforce the need to adhere to the tenets (again, mostly provided by Saul), rather than learning how to listen to Source, to our own intrinsic Divinity, for "salvation" (release from the "eternal damnation" of The Matrix).