I think Charles may have done way worse than his brother Andrew:
Although Charles’ friendship with Sir Jimmy Savile, allegedly begun when the two met in the 1970s during the course of working with children’s wheelchair sports charities, is now well-known, the extent to which the Charles and the Pedophile were connected appears to go much deeper than the mainstream media reports let on. Sir Savile sexually abused hundreds of people. Most, but not all were female. They were children to people in their 70’s.
In 1971, Sir Jimmy Savile, who was Charles close friend was awarded an OBE, an honor awarded by the Queen to recognize the contributions one has given to the country. Then in 1990 he was officially knighted by the Queen. WHY? Sir Savile died on October 29th 2011 aged 84, 56 years after committing his first sexual offense in 1955. He got away with it and still holds the title of “SIR”.
I think Charles may have done way worse than his brother Andrew:
Although Charles’ friendship with Sir Jimmy Savile, allegedly begun when the two met in the 1970s during the course of working with children’s wheelchair sports charities, is now well-known, the extent to which the Charles and the Pedophile were connected appears to go much deeper than the mainstream media reports let on. Sir Savile sexually abused hundreds of people. Most, but not all were female. They were children to people in their 70’s.
In 1971, Sir Jimmy Savile, who was Charles close friend was awarded an OBE, an honor awarded by the Queen to recognize the contributions one has given to the country. Then in 1990 he was officially knighted by the Queen. WHY? Sir Savile died on October 29th 2011 aged 84, 56 years after committing his first sexual offense in 1955. He got away with it and still holds the title of “SIR”. https://newspunch.com/jimmy-savile-and-prince-charles-the-pedophile-connection/
Naked boy escapes from Buckingham palace:
AND: https://tse1.mm.bing.net/th?id=OIP.Ka5GUKcIVKCKvqgjtUUczAEsCd&pid=Api
AND - HE FELL: https://i.dailymail.co.uk/i/pix/2015/02/27/2629D73100000578-0-image-a-2_1425078473633.jpg
AND VIDEO: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-2972782/One-not-amused-Internet-hoaxer-posts-video-naked-man-escaping-Buckingham-Palace-bedroom-window-Changing-Guard.html