Both equally Destructive, both equally useless....
Both need to be destroyed, but the Bureau of Land Management is needed in order to secure Land Patents and Land Grants, but nothing else, no ""POLICE DUTIES"", and NO Rights to APPLY Law, beyond requests to Sheriffs to Investigate Suspected Crimes....
TF do they not understand about "bases, ports and 10sq mi"?
Oh just Fuck BOTH versions of ""BLM""....
Both equally Destructive, both equally useless....
Both need to be destroyed, but the Bureau of Land Management is needed in order to secure Land Patents and Land Grants, but nothing else, no ""POLICE DUTIES"", and NO Rights to APPLY Law, beyond requests to Sheriffs to Investigate Suspected Crimes....
Nevada might actually be smaller than New Jersey.
If you don’t count the federally controlled land, it is.