Exactly...2nd A does not guarantee our freedom...a Godly, Brave and Educated populace guarantees our freedom. The American population are the most well armed, well trained, standing army in the world and yet here we are...just surviving in a full on Banana Republic! Anyone who still thinks we are a free people needs to go to rehab or start attending AA meetings.
Anyone who still thinks we are a free people needs to go to rehab or start attending AA meetings
Honestly, they just need to learn how to get their knowledge about history, economics, government, or indeed, what it means to be free, from sources other than the schools, books, media, and teaching systems created by John D. Rockefeller and his progeny.
None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free. ---- Johann Wolfgang von Goethe
Absolutely, and we better keep it. As I have heard on here before--it they come for your guns give them to them one bullet at a time.
Exactly...2nd A does not guarantee our freedom...a Godly, Brave and Educated populace guarantees our freedom. The American population are the most well armed, well trained, standing army in the world and yet here we are...just surviving in a full on Banana Republic! Anyone who still thinks we are a free people needs to go to rehab or start attending AA meetings.
Honestly, they just need to learn how to get their knowledge about history, economics, government, or indeed, what it means to be free, from sources other than the schools, books, media, and teaching systems created by John D. Rockefeller and his progeny.
Very true!