What if the Bible has been mistranslated and corrupted - from Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to English - to engender the compliance of humans to a ruling elite?
What if the Elohim were an alien race that conquered technologically inferior humans? What if Ashtoreth, Chamosh, Molek, Yahweh etc. were local commanders under a ranking officer called Elyon? What if Elyon lost control of his officers and they started fighting amongst themselves using the humans as cannon fodder?
What if the Bible has been mistranslated and corrupted - from Hebrew, to Greek, to Latin, to English - to engender the compliance of humans to a ruling elite?
What if the Elohim were an alien race that conquered technologically inferior humans? What if Ashtoreth, Chamosh, Molek, Yahweh etc. were local commanders under a ranking officer called Elyon? What if Elyon lost control of his officers and they started fighting amongst themselves using the humans as cannon fodder?
Of course the Bible has, the only thing to debate is how much in my mind.
I assume you are familiar with Mauro Biglino and his translations?