Upon the Titanic Altar of Celestial Eons, In the Churning Maelstrom of Primordial Chaos, the Doomers Stand Unwavering, Defiantly Grasping the All-Consuming Flames of Their Self-Wrought Apocalypse... As They Transcend Mortal Bounds to Confront the Inevitable Destiny of Their Own Cosmic Obliteration!

What you say is true. However, I see so many people in God's journey way ahead of me and I would like that kind of unwavering faith. I feel I am not even close to being there at times.
Also I wanna point out that u being honest about this is huge. He is made strong in our weakness. It all belongs to Jesus
It's fine you are not alone in that feeling. Many people are struggling. May I ask what your prayer life is like.
Also one of the biggest things that helped me is to find purpose in the biggest way possible. Many people get caught in the why me God I am not worthy(we aren't yet he makes us worthy). Rather then that think... How best can I serve u Father. Maybe u are alreadying doing that in which case we can talk further
I try to talk to God daily. I thank Him for simple things like a great parking space for example.
I read a Bible passage every morning when I get up before going to work or starting my day.
I attend a Bible study as often as I am able.
I was a Catholic for 58 years and learned absolutely nothing. I then went to a Bible based non-denominational church and learned so much in the next 5 years.
I am currently watching The Chosen and for many years watched Joyce Meyers when I had a chance.
When I talk to God, I always ask what I can I do for you but it is if I don't receive an answer most of the time.
I do have these strong feelings and I will say to my husband God told me to do this or that and it always is the right thing so I feel I am in tune to that.
I guess that gives you a view of how I try to better myself.
Sounds like u are doing all the right things. It's often a process that Satan will tell us we aren't as good or as far as others, yet God is using it to build faith. I had to go through many down moments before I really began to keep my focus on Christ. Keep working to improve your prayer life . When doubt creeps in realise it's not you failing rather Christ working. Give him all the glory even during the struggle. Seek for ways to serve. Someone once told me that when I feel down find others to pray for. Even when it's hard. Or even just to provide positive words. Service to others is key. I am here if u ever need a fren to talk to. I am no better or further than u fren. We are all God's children. Love you fren. Keep faith. The process is messing but the rewards are great. Christ is such an awesome fren. Start to accept that he is your best friend. Not some far off thing, rather a best friend walking along your way willing to carry all the weight, hear all your struggle, and take all that pain. He loves u more then u can ever know.
Thank you Fren and I will. Very inspiring words.
Sounds to me like you need a boost from the Holy Spirit... I would highly recommend watching online at LOHchurch.org https://lohchurch.org/worship-with-us/#watch-online Pastor Hank calls it like it is, is uplifting and encouraging! Also, a morning devotional decree with Pastor Brenda is an awesome shot in the arm each morning. You can follow her with LOH church on Facebook or YouTube to find those.
Thank you so much I will check it out.
CHOSEN!!!!! ❤️❤️❤️
Your testimony just spoke to ME, so there's that. 😃🤗
God Bless, keep on keeping on. 👌🙏
Thank you.
Stay away from Joyce Meyer. She's a fake.
I don't watch her religiously but she has a good way of comparing the Bible to everyday life.