One thing I notice she never mentioned; "some of my friends on social media who lean right were saying all these warnings and I ignored them".
We all know why she didnt say that. She removed them as we have ALL been unfriended from our most liberal "friends" loves. So my question is, she clearly, without any of our type outside influence clearly saw all these issues which made her leave. That CONFIRMS my position that all still on the left are CHOOSING a new government willingly and are thus to be treated as enemies.
One thing I notice she never mentioned; "some of my friends on social media who lean right were saying all these warnings and I ignored them".
We all know why she didnt say that. She removed them as we have ALL been unfriended from our most liberal "friends" loves. So my question is, she clearly, without any of our type outside influence clearly saw all these issues which made her leave. That CONFIRMS my position that all still on the left are CHOOSING a new government willingly and are thus to be treated as enemies.
and there's fewer & fewer of them every day