My wife works part time at a junior high doing accounting and assists with lunch b check-ins. They white who pay eat their lunch, and so do the white kids who get free/reduced. They're thankful.
On the other side; The immigrant kids getting freebies will try to steal seconds and thirds. She's also seen them eat one item, dump the rest in the trash, then go for a second tray of food, eat the one item and dump the again, and on and on. Always the immigrant kids on free lunch. When confronted, they get attitude and say it doesn't matter what they throw away and they can have as much as they want, because they have "free lunch".
And they try to take more.
My wife works part time at a junior high doing accounting and assists with lunch b check-ins. They white who pay eat their lunch, and so do the white kids who get free/reduced. They're thankful.
On the other side; The immigrant kids getting freebies will try to steal seconds and thirds. She's also seen them eat one item, dump the rest in the trash, then go for a second tray of food, eat the one item and dump the again, and on and on. Always the immigrant kids on free lunch. When confronted, they get attitude and say it doesn't matter what they throw away and they can have as much as they want, because they have "free lunch".
Someone pays for that. You and me.
Kick 'em back to where they belong.