His border policies were to line the roads leading into his country with miles and miles of impaled invasion troops, all stuck up on high with spiked poles up their date locker.
I need that meme of Confused Gandalf saying "... Romania?"
Turns out King Charles bought a home in Romania 17 years ago because he just loved the country. I've never heard that one before, but it seems to be true.
All of a sudden Romania's all over the news. A substitute for Ukraine since that one isn't going so well?
Vlad Dracul gained a bad rap because of his strict border policies, really.
The real bloodsucking equivalent to Killary was Elizabeth Bathory, but she was Hungarian.
His border policies were to line the roads leading into his country with miles and miles of impaled invasion troops, all stuck up on high with spiked poles up their date locker.
Not that I am suggesting the USA does this.....
Andrew Tate is from there
Time to throw a little sunlight on all of this.
Nicolas Cage has a great HRC mask. Renfield would be proud.
Charles saying his is related to Vlad the Impaler (Dracula) (less than 30 second video):
Is Anyone Really Shocked That England’s New King Charles III Is a Direct Blood Relation To Vlad The Impaler Who Inspired The ‘Dracula’ Legend?
September 22, 2022 SGT REPORT: https://www.sgtreport.com/2022/09/is-anyone-really-shocked-that-englands-new-king-charles-iii-is-a-direct-blood-relation-to-vlad-the-impaler-who-inspired-the-dracula-legend/
Count Dracula's Family Tree: https://i.pinimg.com/originals/06/c3/2d/06c32d878710cc328018f7c174dc31d2.png
Side by side: https://media.gab.com/system/media_attachments/files/115/409/247/original/1cde259171029999.jpeg
Not alien lizard people... vampires LOL
I need that meme of Confused Gandalf saying "... Romania?"
Turns out King Charles bought a home in Romania 17 years ago because he just loved the country. I've never heard that one before, but it seems to be true.
All of a sudden Romania's all over the news. A substitute for Ukraine since that one isn't going so well?
Vlad Dracul did all that impaling because that's what it took to get the Moslem invaders out of his country. Just sayin'.