The problem with the digital currency is once enough people are using it, they will eliminate cash making it a lot more difficult for the hold-outs to keep functioning. We will need to start planning for that possibility. After they force all the normies to use their digital currency, they will use it to completely track everyone's financial transactions. This currency is like a communist's fever dream.
I took the survey LOL. They won't like my answers . I will never adopt their mark of the beast digital currency - NEVER.
The problem with the digital currency is once enough people are using it, they will eliminate cash making it a lot more difficult for the hold-outs to keep functioning. We will need to start planning for that possibility. After they force all the normies to use their digital currency, they will use it to completely track everyone's financial transactions. This currency is like a communist's fever dream.
Possibility? More like inevitability. They arent drumming up all the CBDC talk to just say “nah we decided not to.”