5 states are in a state of emergency. Those with mortgaged homes that have been destroyed by weather disasters are having their homes seized by the government under the excuse that they are 'unlivable'.
George Bush's unconstitutional imminent domain laws being used here.
So be warned and don't let this happen in your area.
Sounds like fear porn. A lot of the comments are putting this fear merchant on blast, too. Can we get ONE day without dooming and fear porn bullshit? I need to take a break from this place, apparently.
Fear and Anger drive clicks. And the content creators want their ad revenue and sponsorships.
Valid Concern.
But keep in mind they do have HAARP ; weather editing technology. Scary stuff.
The UN openly has some protocol or other that includes their 'right' to seize properties that may be 'hazardous to health'.
It shouldn’t be too much longer. Lockdowns, roundups and then the death camps.
You spelled commie wrong.