Tucker Carlson tweet announcing new Twitter show tops 100 million views
A tweet from former Fox News host Tucker Carlson announcing plans to launch a new show on Twitter is racking up tens of millions of views online. Carlson’s tweet captioned “We’re …
So Twitter and Tucker will draw in half the country and then start dropping major red pills? I think I might start a Twitter account.
This has to scare the shit out of the right people. Between Trumps 100 million+ dedicated supporters and Tucker clearing 100 million views in a matter of day from those same people. The support grows with each attack. They know we are 100 million+ actual people, not harvested ballots and pre programmed machines. They know if tshtf they will not have even a fraction of the support they need to survive.
Did you just say “they won’t be able to walk down the street?”
I think I did
They 100% are out numbered BY ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE. Not just that … THEY ARE OUTCLASSED. Twitter likes to gauge sentiment using Like/Comment ratios … Think about the QUALITY ratios for OUR Alphas versus THEIR Betas. Pink Pussy hats armed with iPhones against a fully kitted-up ROMAN FUKING LEGION.
Outclassed is on point.
If they are gonna cheat to win in 2024 they are gonna need to come up with at least 20 million more votes in addition to the ones they created in 2020. Gonna look awfully strange when there are 250 million votes for President, 120M legit for Trump and 130M for Joemama.