posted ago by Christine_grab ago by Christine_grab +42 / -0

I had a small win today and wanted to share it to give others hope that their similar efforts will pay off. I'd gone to a local coffee place and left when I found out they don't take cash. I sent a letter to the company complaining about the no cash policy. They responded that, thanks to numerous complaints, they are going to start accepting cash!

Here is a copy/text of what they wrote:

"Thank you for choosing to visit our Morena Blvd cafe. We appreciate you letting us know about your most recent experience at one of our favorite Bird Rock cafes, and your feedback is always appreciated.

You are not alone. We have heard the message from a few others and completely understand your preference to pay for your coffee in cash.

Our team is actively working on accepting cash at all of our cafes. Currently, only our Liberty Station and Encinitas cafes will gladly accept cash.

Please be patient with this process. With seven other cafes, we genuinely want to ensure good systems are in place to make this transition as smooth and seamless as possible for our guests. We are working on the logistics of bank runs, deposits, etc.

I hope you have a wonderful day, and we hope you will visit our cash-accepting cafes. Thank you!


Alexis Bean Representative"