122 The real question is : Why are they coming ? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 1 year ago by 7Nick9 1 year ago by 7Nick9 +123 / -1 28 comments download share 28 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
They are coming for voting reasons and that's it.
The political establishment knows they cannot win without the illegals. If the illegals came in and ended up voting against the establishment.
They would deport them. Those of you that keep harping on the "Great Replacement" theory aren't seeing the big picture.
THE CABAL DOESN'T CARE ABOUT COLOR! They only want US to care about color.
They care about holding onto power by any means. The illegals is the key to keeping them in power and that's it.
If everyone submitted to the Cabal right now. The illegals would not be needed.
https://apnews.com/article/2022-midterm-elections-noncitizens-voting-question-d720a6d02e066700d86812dc717906e5 The 1996 law states that noncitizens who vote illegally will face a fine, imprisonment or both. Noncitizens who cast a ballot and get caught may also face deportation.( Maybe this is how they get deported) if the law is followed !
Yes.. they are not suppose to vote.
When you control the election boards. You can bypass this law.
Ugggh! 😡
I feel your pain.
Yep. It just happened. Fuk man … dead people vote, no one does shit about that. Laws, laws, laws … ffffffssst. Yeah, like any demonrat REALLY gives a fuck about laws anymore. No. No they dont. Not at all.