At the moment all parties are a bunch of clowns(ANC, EFF) ...some are better than others though(DA, FF+)
free speech
Difficult one...Depending on who its directed at but generally speaking not too bad...(If you Question what a black person is doing/saying/behaving like and they don't like or agree with you regardless if its the truth then you are RACIST...)
freedom in general
We are Free to go wherever, no restriction of movement , 'Freedom' here isn't too bad...
law and order
A fucking joke....
ability to retain your earnings if you are productive
No problem as long as you pay your taxes...
land rights
The Government wants to 'expropriate ALL land from the whites without compensation'!!!(No Matter how many Centuries/Generations/ decades the land has been owned for which was BOUGHT and PAID for not stolen as is the narrative)....This will never fucking happen because there would definitely be a Civil war...which is around the corner if we not to careful...
Very Diverse...Very....
Well, Used to be one of the highest standards of education in the world back in the day...
Now if you want a decent education for you children then you have to go private....The ANC Government Changed the entire system(Because it was a 'white' education system) and now you only need 30% to pass to the next grade....They do not want their people to get educated because that's when people will start thinking for themselves and questioning the Government(ANC)
At the moment all parties are a bunch of clowns(ANC, EFF) ...some are better than others though(DA, FF+)
Difficult one...Depending on who its directed at but generally speaking not too bad...(If you Question what a black person is doing/saying/behaving like and they don't like or agree with you regardless if its the truth then you are RACIST...)
We are Free to go wherever, no restriction of movement , 'Freedom' here isn't too bad...
A fucking joke....
No problem as long as you pay your taxes...
The Government wants to 'expropriate ALL land from the whites without compensation'!!!(No Matter how many Centuries/Generations/ decades the land has been owned for which was BOUGHT and PAID for not stolen as is the narrative)....This will never fucking happen because there would definitely be a Civil war...which is around the corner if we not to careful...
Very Diverse...Very....
Well, Used to be one of the highest standards of education in the world back in the day...
Now if you want a decent education for you children then you have to go private....The ANC Government Changed the entire system(Because it was a 'white' education system) and now you only need 30% to pass to the next grade....They do not want their people to get educated because that's when people will start thinking for themselves and questioning the Government(ANC)
That about sums it up....Hope it helps...
Thank you. A gloomy future to look forward to here, a pity for all the SA that came here looking for new hope