Think about it: a lot of the judges who shot them down were even Trump-appointed judges. Were the lawyers involved in these suits too stupid to know what would and wouldn't get them standing?
I've thought about this a lot. Thought about how much harder fraud is to prove than simply proving that an election shouldn't stand based on what factually occurred at the time, whether it was intentional or not. It's like putting the thumb on your opponent's scale. Any good lawyer knows that when a higher charge is too iffy, you settle for the lesser charge. I keep looking at all these suits and they keep trying to prove in court that there was fraud, which is intentional, which would not only require the actions observed and recorded, but proof that what was happening was coordinated and intentional, which, of course, they're not going to have all of that. Or maybe they do (I think they do), but the plan called for Donald to play shadow president for 4 years while fake Biden takes the country seemingly to the edge of oblivion.
But when you think in terms of the Q plan, how it had to be this way, despite all of Trump's grandstanding and huffing and puffing about the election, to see all these highly capable lawyers just get swatted away left and right by judges all over the country...something doesn't smell right to me. Something tells me all the lawyers fighting for Trump (perhaps with the exception of the Mormon trumpet players from Utah) were part of the show. They brought intentionally weak cases that wouldn't qualify for standing so they could appear to be trying to fight this in court, when they really had no intention of doing so, because it would be almost too easy to prove, and putting Trump right back into the White House wasn't part of the plan right now.
So here we are, huffing and puffing about this painfully obvious fact that the election was stolen and no judge will even taken the case and suddenly I'm thinking..."Oh shit. Maybe the patriots have more control than I thought."
Soooo.... are we going to see mass, ridiculous level-cheating by the white hats (like they did in 2016 - remember how mad Hilary was, she had been TOLD that she had it in the bag - but something happened to flip the election in Trump's favour.
Have judges just spent 3 years setting precedents that mean that no matter what, they cannot overturn white hats cheating?
I think that's so ass backwards if that's what "the plan" is, how does anyone in the world ever get fair elections back if that's the game plan.
I think you have this all wrong..."ridiculous level-cheating by the white hats".
From what I (and most everyone else on here) have read by reading the Q drops, it was the cheating done by the D party and Hillary's team that was stopped by the White Hats in 2016 to allow for the real numbers to show up, instead of their manipulated ones (as what happened in 2020).
You may have to rethink you're understanding of the Plan and what it's all about.
Ok maybe I didn't write that very clearly. What happened in 2016 with Trump's victory enraged the cabal. Hilary was more than certain that she was going to win. The only reason you can more than certain you are going to win a democratic election, is if it is rigged. If it was rigged, how could Trump have won?
Surely, it's not a massive leap of logic to understand that to win at a rigged game, you have to be better at cheating than the other guy? I don't doubt for one second that Trump got more votes that Hilary got, but we saw with 2022 that you can't outvote an enemy who will do as much cheating as necessary to win. Ergo the white hats cheated better than the cabal.
I don't see any benefit in getting precedents in the law books that the judiciary cannot intervene in elections where there is massive and obvious cheating - unless you intend to expose the ridiculouslessness of the current (and surely everyone agrees) completely broken voting systems around ClownWorld nations? What use are those legal precedents unless you (or they - the White Hats) want to first exploit, and then use that exploitation to demonstrate to the sheeple how deeply, manifestly broken elections are in the US. Hence my comment about the white hats intending to deploy (81 million votes from my basement) level of cheating in 2024.
SImilarly, I don't see how trying to make sense out of what are otherwise useless legal precedents, is being a shill or a troll. But I guess it takes all sorts.
Although, I am completely open to anyone explaining another rationale for why it's good to have precedents established that establish you can cheat to your heart's content because the there is no amount of proof that is sufficient to encourage the judiciary to rule that cheating is bad
I still will state that the White Hats didn’t “cheat”, but they stopped the cheat of the D party to show the vote to win 2016.
We can agree to disagree on this point, but I appreciate your time in the lengthy response.
I’ve been traveling and am tired, but didn’t want to not answer you.
Thank you. That was thoughtful of you. I am continually impressed at the wonderful people on this site. I come here and I so often leave with more hope than when I arrived. This reply topped up my reserves. o7
I'm still lost. Did someone talk about precedent?