RE: #LindaYaccarino
Did you know she's either worked directly for or been appointed by, #Trump three times? Does anyone honestly think this couldn't be a situation of there being more going on here than meets the eye? (Infiltrated WEF with a spy?)

Shhh .. I dont think we want the Cabal to realise this stuff ... yet.
Or… we want them to be paranoid about spies where there are none.
Create suspicion among comrades.
That would be fun. They would be so busy looking at each other as potential enemies that they would neglect their Deep State to-do list. In fact, hasn't O'Keefe already got them thinking that way?
Since his first video, ya I bet.
This. Infiltrate like they did to us & then expose them. Only way to get rid of the darkness is to turn on the lights!
isn't there a sun tsu quote about the only way to fool an enemy being to fool an ally or something like that? I'm sure I've got it at least partially wrong, but it's something like that I'm sure.
I haven't heard of the Sun Tzu quote specifically,
but I did see that strategy mentioned in an anime:
I remember in "read or die," a character named Nancy quipped sketching like that and said it was a sun tsu quote